Blindingly fast daytime stages that give you an essence of speed like no other

>Blindingly fast daytime stages that give you an essence of speed like no other
>Switches up the normal gameplay of Sonic by giving him the werehog
>Nailed a serious tone for a Sonic game perfectly instead of anime melodramatics in Adventure 2
>Toony humans instead of the shitty realistic ones from adventure that blend in with Sonic rather well.
>Gorgeous CG cutscenes and graphics.

Why is this game so hated again?

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>>Toony humans instead of the shitty realistic ones from adventure that blend in with Sonic rather well.
they're ugly as fuck and sure as fuck do not blend in, they're horribly deformed and scary.

You forgot the absolute God tier OST.

Because the concept is phenomenally stupid.

Attached: sonic unleashed.jpg (1280x720, 63.37K)

How? It’s not super cringe like adventure. It’s more of a middle ground.

>instead of anime melodramatics in Adventure 2
When will you tards understand that Sonic was always anime?

Yeah but the way that Sonic Adventure goes about it isn’t well written or well acted out.

>Why is this game so hated again?
Because the night stages fucking sucked.

Because Generations did it better

>>Switches up the normal gameplay of Sonic by giving him the werehog
Turning the game into a bootleg god of war with shit framerate isn't switching up the gameplay.
All the combos are fucking useless because the damage is shit no matter what
The battle music was fine the first few times but it gets tiring at the 9001th time it plays during a stage
And the werehog character itself was only created because of stupid complaints about "muh sonic's friends" instead of the actual problem that was "muh alternate gameplay that has nothing to do with the sonic gameplay". So they kept you to JUST Sonic but kept going with the ill fitting alt gameplay like some goddamn retards.

How exactly?

by being a good game

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Unleashed's two widely different play styles were polar opposites of one another in the absolute worst way. Generations's Modern and Classic still had problems but were somewhat in the same ball park.

Day went too far into go fast at the expense of all else. Stages became pretty corridors filled with insufferable QTEs and auto pilot segments while Sonic himself controlled like wet soap. The day stages overall were too few and too short lived. Night stages were obvious filler with cookie cutter platforming and combat designed to pad out the entire ordeal. It was not interesting enough on its own to hold up as its own thing. Also the game suffered from massive performance issues that made later stages insufferable to play.

It doesn't mean the game didn't have its merits. It has quite a few feathers in its hat that 12 years of additional Sonic games since have not managed to snag from it. The game itself just isn't a cohesive experience.

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>2 minute long stages
>no replay value (you can platinum it in a few hours...try that with the Unleashed missions)
>Bosses suck, but they did in Unleashed too
>No new stages, so few are actually all that memorable (Compare to Dragon Road or Skyscraper Scamper)
>Even the best fucking level in Generations came from Unleashed

It's not better than Unleashed, user.

Seaside Hill didn't come from Unleashed, user.

Degenerations was just Sonic Colors, but you're able to spin dash and not boost or homing attack (initially) in 2D sections, sometimes. It did nothing better, unless you absolutely hate Werehog. In that case, grow up.

Attached: 120px-Mammy-sonic.jpg (120x107, 3.89K)

>pretty corridors

Excuse me? Every stage that I link has multiple paths, by the way.

That's just 3 stages and not even including any missions.

>Anything but Planet Wisp/Rooftop Run

Neck yourself, my dude.

you cant excuse the framerate problems and dumb boost shit thats unfun also the pixar shit sucks massive dick too

the game is hated for a reason

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ah yes
Planet Wisp
My favorite Sonic Unleashed level

Fuck off back to /sthg/ or better yet, kill yourself right fucking now.

you should go back

>Switches up the normal gameplay of Sonic by giving him the werehog
there's your answer

>It’s not super cringe like adventure
It's a hedgehog... that turns into a werewolf.

>buh buh
And still its the best of them all.

Kill yourself.

>framerate problems
Then play it on Xbox One?

>shitty realistic ones from adventure
I get your point, but SA humans were more anime than realistic.

Attached: YOU SAVE THE DAY YOURE THE BEST.jpg (917x687, 60.33K)


It didn't work .


Those were the best stages in the game, user.

I liked it, most likely cause I was an autistic sonic fan as a child, but I still have fond memories of that game on ps2

lol Jungle Joyride is like the poster child of pretty corridor design, are you serious? Eggmanland was the only stage that really started opening up to branching overlapping multipaths but only in certain sections like at the beginning of the stage. Seaside Hill in Generations the best example of boost Sonic stage design but even then its pretty much an exception and not the rule.

Attached: huh.jpg (536x529, 33.21K)

Is this some false flag?

Make me retard

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Does it really count when 2/3 of those paths are instakill pitfalls?

Tell me your favorite version of His World. Right now

I have to agree, Unleashed isn't that bad of a game, the wprst parts are the medals and the werehogs levels aren't too boring and bring some interesting stuff... day time is definitely one of, if not the best Modern Sonic game out there.

Zebrahead, easily.