Try out a game on a whim

>Try out a game on a whim
>It was fucking fantastic

What's her name?

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world of horror

Viewtiful Joe

Fire Emblem

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Genealogy of the Holy War.

Devil Survivor
I piriated it and gave it a try, it blew my fucking mind

Dragon's Dogma

Battlefront 2 (2005)

Xanadu Next

The amount of NTR material makes up for how shit this show was.



nothing make up for how shit it is

Danganronpa haha...

Persona 4
I knew nothing about it other than chie looked cute.

Not gonna lie here, Golden Sun. I really disliked JRPGs as a kid until I tried it and fell in love real damn hard I cried and did tantrums when my parents didn't want to buy me the Lost Age.

I want to give masato a little brother/sister

best girl

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I've never played a video game I enjoyed.

Your parents were right not to get you that piece of shit.

Not happening

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Every single game in my backlog from the mid 90s to mid 2010s that I keep neglecting due to grinding in modern games.

Every single time I go back and try something I've bought but never played, it's a great experience. Latest one was the Luigi's Mansion port for the 3DS. After Dark Moon I assumed a port would be shit, as Nintendo is hardbent on "simplifying and minigamefying" the handheld versions of their titles, never paying them respect. But the Luigi's Mansion port feels like a 1:1 carbon copy with minor graphical changes that ultimately remind me of when I originally played L'sM on the GameCube. I think the only thing they added was Gooigi, and even then they didn't rape the fourth wall and add a bunch of fluff. It's like one line saying, "Oh ya there's also Gooigi here if you like, but anyway-".

Though most of the time I find gems on the PS2, NDS, and GBA. Those three systems alone seem to have hundreds of hidden gems.

Nier: Automata

Victoria 2, it's the only grand strategy game that I could enjoy.

>want mommy wife
>have to deal with her kids
>but if YOU are her kid, then you don't


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Certainly not Osaka Online

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.
Someone in my family randomly got me it for Christmas and I took a chance with it. I loved the campaign and understood why so people enjoy the multiplayer. I don't really follow the games anymore but have been enjoying my time in Warzone.

Ff7 remake. 10/5 best game I've ever played.

impregnating your mom is mandatory

>Osaka Online

>draw a generic anime girl who passes for any age between16 and 29 in the generic anime universe
>call it a 40 year old mom

Stop doing this shit Japan.

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They eventually did and I loved The Lost Age more than the first game.

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Why? It's great.

This was like 10 years ago. Bought a shitty DOSbox frontend on Steam and still loved it.

Japanese moms actually do look like that though. There's a reason that even "aged" female characters in anime often just look like 25 year olds with bags under their eyes. Because that's how females look in Japan until they hit menopause in their 50s.

ur mom lol

So how porta's mum looks like?

I will never feel bad about reading/watching shounen shit when there are faggots that exist that watch garbage like this.

whos stopping me

Wait, this shit finally ended? Did they fug?

>anime "mom" is just a regular teenage anime girl with slightly bigger tits

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yes this was in 2003

it was funny

>Dislikes JRPGs
>Loved Golden Sun as a child tho
Every time anyone mentions Golden Sun they just reaffirm the fact that it was literally babby's first RPG. Outside of the gorgeous visuals, soundtrack, and Djinn system, the Golden Sun franchise is utter dog shit through and through. The majority of the story, plot, and dialogue is paraphrased shit and the events make next to no sense under the weakest amount of scrutiny.

Even that fucking, "If we were trees there would be no wars because we'd all be trees" shit is total garbage because trees actively grow their roots to choke out and kill other plants, grow branches to shade other plants, and some trees even fucking produce pheramones to get insects to attack nearby trees. Trees are fucking brutal assholes, they just operate at a pace humans can't appreciate with the naked eye.

Middle panel's face looks like some exposed anime thighs and pussy in the thumbnail.

Not inaccurate for Japan. This woman is 39.

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Turks also doing that right now.

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Most recently probably Castlevania symphony of the night.

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You're unironically racist and need to stop assuming anime characters are caucasian.

and she looks 39. sorry you're faceblind

wtf I love japan now

Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines

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Still looks better than ur mum

Looks more like goatse to me

You're nothing if not predictable