playing support is boring
Playing support is boring
Y'know, for a game that's one of the most played on steam, I hardly see any discussion about it. Isn't that strange, Yas Forums?
play some bullshit like lion or cm and rape endgame
>Playing is boring
Fixed that for you champ
english speaking people dont play dota. it is 95% a third world brownie game. which is the source of most of its problems, actually.
why do south americans play on us east
god i hate them
they queue as support and pick last, often not even a support
The problem with dota is that your individual skill accounts for only 20% of your ability to win a match. The other 80% is your teammates. And your teammates are determined by the dystopian chinese style social credit system. Its even worse than that, because the Chinese social credit system is governed by the communist party, but the dota social credit system is governed by the shitskins and third world street shitters that make up the community. Calling someone a faggot is treated exactly the same as throwing the match by the social credit system. Therefore, you can play well every game, but about 25% of the player base are trolls, and if you call them names you get matched with more trolls.
Effectively, the game is not about manipulating the game mechanics to win. It is about manipulating the social credit score to get a better team. Which means submitting yourself to the inverted, malfunctional corrupt, and broken morality of brownies, thirdies, fuckups, retards, drug addicts, degenerates, and literal schizophrenics. Its like working a retail job, where you have to be polite to customers no matter how retarded or malicious they are.
Its not fun, its work.
sadly this is the truth. NA server is plagued by beaners and retards from other regions.
It's not, it's actually more fun than playing carry. However, you need coordination from your teammate to kill your opponent because your lack of damage. Meanwhile, carry spend the first 20 mins farming golds like an autistic child so they can 1 man opponents.
You know /vg/ exists right?
i've had 10k good boy points forever and still get absolute subhuman trash every game
I would rather get chinese bugmen or niggers then south americans
Playing support is super fun though, especially in my 4k bracket trench where people don't take shit too seriously yet still play to win. Dota supporting is basically carrying the early game, and come lategame you're still needed to setup plays and for utility.
there's just nothing left to discuss, and nobody left to do discussion. the new patches are boring and will never recapture the 6.xx feel that old players liked. on top of that it's hard to get into the game for a new player unless you have friends already into it willing to show you the ropes, so the game is less likely to get new players when compared to [insert FotM here]
Its the best role, you're just a brainlet
>Playing MOBA alone
Thats the problem
Why aren't you faggets watching niggerma vs cyka pro?
a two stack almost guarantees you have another 2/3 stack of absolute retards on your team
>new patches are boring
It's just really difficult to discuss. It's always get sidetracked by League's porn, waifufags or dota2 e-celebs.
what cool, exciting new things did they add into dota in the newest five patches?
I never understood why people say supports are boring. You just outright have the most shit on your plate to deal with out of the team for the first 10 minutes, your kit generally has the most BIG PLAY™ potential, and after that you're still going to be integral to fights. Not having any dosh if the game is going poorly kinda sucks, but I always thought it was neat to see how far I could push my luck with just brown boots and a wand.
neutral item nerf/balance/slot
removing shrines
personal couriers
I'd rather play with third-worlders than NAs in NA desu. Thirdies are a coin toss while NAs are just plain garbage.
Problem is most players play solo. The whole thing really boggles my mind, DOTA is an extremely competitive team based game, but devs don't do anything to promote playing in groups. Why? Same goes for pretty much any team based game.
Solo queue is a joke and path to frustration.
it is mostly discussed on vg, you have no idea how big the difference is between the 2 boards
genuine vidya discussions are a rarity on v
>play with a fellow burger
>he screams on his mic as if someone robbed his mcdonald
>ragequit and whine "i am done with this, i am going back to league"
>neutral items
oh look the warcraft roots return, neat.
>removing shrines
isn't really a "new" mechanic, per-se.
>personal couriers
what? why? that's not exciting, that's retarded.
My time on dota was god awful in solo queue, for your very same reason. Couple of wins were followed by humongous lose streaks, i really liked the game but hated the players. Now every night i play in a 5 stacks of close buddies. My winrate has not improved much, but my fun is on another level. That's my tip for ya
>neutral items
They dropped from jungle/neutral creeps. They have different tiers and dedicated slot for it. The higher the tier the more impactful it is. It could go from +3 stats to double your main stats.
>removing shrines
Icefroth has added Outpost which reward vision on nearby area, xp every 5 mins and teleportation target.
>personal couriers
Now, your mid won't hog your valuable courier for his first min regen, 2nd min wraithband and 3rd min bottle. It's really difficult to tell your mid that you need your regen, wards and a wand on your losing sidelane because your carry keep getting poked to death. It's more of quality of life and it becomes less logistical nightmare. They are free anyway. In addition, free courier has impacted a lot of things in the game for instance the removal of sideshop and shrine because now you have to depend on your courier for sustenance and items upgrade.
This is the prime example why dota2 is fucking shit. Only a thirdworld nignog who is bad at english would play it.
it's not boring in dota. It IS boring in LoL; where only girls play support because is a shit role for mental handicapped
why would we talk about video games on Yas Forums?
this thread again? you posted the same thing with the exact same picture yesterday
>They dropped from jungle/neutral creeps
exactly, like Warcraft. that's what i'm saying, returning to the roots. isn't really exciting, but i guess it does make jungling more useful?
>outpost replaces shrines
okay now this is better, still a teleport place in the jungle, and gives vision for safer jungling, but it can also be taken by the enemy. more things to fight over is fun i guess, i'll give you that
>your mid won't hog your valuable courier
isn't this why side shops are a thing in the first place? anyways when i played before 7.00 it wasn't that big of a deal anyways
>side shop removed because everyone has courier
because i don't watch any dota esports because i dont understand the game enough to enjoy watching it played by pros