
>game throws shitload of obscure quests at you and puts you on a strict time limit forcing you to run around like a headless chicken trying to do everything
>also here's some thirst meter that start rapidly depleting whenever you run for longer than 10 seconds
Why is this allowed? Literally unplayable without a guide. I thought this would be a comfy game about curing the plague not Dead Rising with Steam early access mechanics. Time limits in games are a mistake.
No wonder it was so poorly recieved everywhere

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Other urls found in this thread:

>about plague
Are you retarded ? Why would a game dealing with a catastrophy be comfy ?
Take a look at the difficulty description. The game is designed to be almost unbearable, it's a stress simulator.
>obscure quests
They all have map markers idiot.
Jesus christ

>survival game based on curing the plague before the town gets wiped out
>hurr durr why i do have to manage things like time and thirst

> I thought this would be a comfy game
Are you a literal retard? Did you look at the difficulty options?

Why the fuck would you even think curing the plague would be fun and comfy?

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>curing the plague
what in the fuck? what's the matter, your ADHD riddled brain needs constant stimulation and gratification?
Tiduidu (@CuteMutePrude)
>TinyBuild makes an animated series for Hello Neighbour and keeps spamming Youtubers about it
>Pathologic fans ask on the official Discord server where that energy was when they were supposed to market Pathologic 2
>Fucking purge happens
ewe lad

i dont understand anything about your post

The thread is about Pathologic 2
The twitter thread is about TinyBuild, who were paid to publish and market Pathologic 2 in the US and outside of Russia in general. Instead they ghosted the game and marketed the animated series for Hello Neighbor, including some sad tweets trying to get MatthewPatthew's attention. When they got called out on it, TinyBuild shut down communications and locked down their Discord servers

You can literally ignore every quest you're given, and just focus on you survival.

stop shilling your stupid fucking twitter profile here

based 12 year old parroting words he heard the cool kids say

hello Sebastian Bolesta

omfg you made it private already ahahahahah

>Literally unplayable without a guide

I can still read it

I honestly unironically think all this anti marketing that happened with pathologic must be some gov anti rusky stuff, all the west have no current interest into having cultural exchanges or whatever when there's all the political shit going down. What a shame honestly, the game is fucking perfect

Personally I think it's just incompetence rather than malice. TinyBuild didn't know what to do with Pathologic just like they didn't know what to do with Yandere Sim, so they ghosted on both of them

I've started playing, done the intro and doing the main game, is there anything I really need to know?

Trade with everyone, especially kids. Save nuts for them, they may have the cure called a ''Shmowder", you need that to cure your characters.
You can backstab bandits for easy kills, just press c to sneak.
Stock up on water and food the first couple of days.
Do your hospital quest every day after day 3, if you get the Fund to lvl 3 you get enough food for the entire next day.
When you have the chance to make medicine from infected organs, make and test different ones right away, it's essential to get the quest to make the Panacea cure.

Check all garbage bins, barter since day one, hoard immunity boosters and food for a day or two since there are going to be days that you have no fucking time to hunt for food
Day 4+
Your reputation doesn't need to be all high, unless you want to max the hospital fund. With that in mind, rob some houses and harvest some organs
In the first three days you can hoard like 30 water bottles, do that and store that shit for the mid game

I already accepted that nothing can be done about the publisher. I don't know what that girl want to achieve complaining about it on Twitter. It's not like they'll suddenly known how to market it. It's a difficult situation because the game is basically anti zoomer. Pathologic will have do to as it has always done, word of mouth and fan stuff.

>He hasn't beaten the game with the Changeling

What is the appeal of a changeling playthrough ?

>Literally unplayable without a guide
Look at him!
Look at him and laugh!

Attached: Anna.png (1400x1000, 992.83K)

Are you a time traveler?

TinyBuild is incompetent, but hardly part of some kind of conspiracy. There is a major, significant bias towards eastern-european gaming at play in the west, but it's not so sophististicated as to actively go and undermine the developers on a commercial level: It's merely a snobism and insecurity among the gaming journalists that has always been around, since the early ninetees.

I'm more compelled to weep than to laugh.

>falling for Yas Forums shills
I hate metacritic as much as the next guy, but come on... I rather trust a critic "average" instead of neets on a siamese image board

no thanks

The game is purposefully the opposite of comfy. It's not like it was marketed as such, I relly don't get how you could imagine it would be comfy.
Also you are fucked by the typical current day plebeian game design. It is extremely hard to get the best ending where no one important dies. It is perfectly manageable to remain alive and push through the storyline.
It's one of the rare games that understand that secondary objectives means secondary. Surviving and getting the cure are the only tasks, everyone else is expendable.

Post your post game inventory, Yas Forums
kys zoomer

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The changeling route had its moments, but having to play hide and seek with Daniil, Artemy, and your own clone every day was a fucking chore.
I really hope they eventually get around to adding her to the remake.
More development for characters that were overlooked in the other two routes and more meta fuckery, particularly the part where you get to spoil the fourth-wall breaking ending to the other two protags several days ahead of time and see their reaction.
I'd say it's worth playing if you really liked the other two route and want more, but there's no shame in using a guide to make it less tedious.

I did fairly well on my first playthrough where I went in completley blind. I think you might just be dumb man.
also, just a tip for anyone who wants to play it, STOCK UP ON YOUR WATER.
for the first few days, DO NOT drink from your bottles, just drink straight from the barrels or pumps and collect the water bottles.

man I never managed to get any kind of proper weaponry in my run, really fucked me over in some parts. whenever a mugger pulled a knife I just had to run, I cant take them with just fists. never tried looting abandoned houses either, too risky without a gun or knife.

>tfw actually stealth boomer

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buy the bull.
also try to buy the revolver early on, later on its only sold for like 8k or something, where the price for it at the start is only like 3k or something, its a great deal

I also never fired a gun in p2. Lara gave me the pistol and Grief, the shotgun in the last days, but I was too busy doing shit to fool around.
>I cant take them with just fists
Sneak behind them and sneak-attack with a knife. If that fails (it won't), run

How retarded one needs to be to expect comfy "plague game" from Pathologic? It's Russian depression simulator, you will fail and you will feel awful afterwards.

Go play Plague Tale if you want simple walking sim.