Can we get some actual valid criticism of Half-Life: Alyx up in here? Vr chads only
Can we get some actual valid criticism of Half-Life: Alyx up in here? Vr chads only
Yeah it sucks. It doesn't revolutionize anything and the only reason they decided to do a HL game is for marketing reasons so they can sell more of their shitty gear.
Valve are officially dead to me.
I said valid criticism retard, not mindless nonsense from someone that hasn't played the game
It's a slow tech demo that will be forgotten in no time.
No dedicated crouch sucks.
I also hate how fucking statick I played the game. I never felt like I needed to walk around the room and pick up stuff. In fact im surprised they never had the player stick their head through some hole or something. In fact I never thought to move forward when reaching for Eli.
Game coule have just been built for seated play really. Teleport should have been rebalanced.
someone post it
or maybe he'll find this thread and post it himself
>changing a 13 year old story with time travel feels lazy
>the weapon variety is lacking
>very few enemies on screen at a time, devs compensated by making them damage sponges
>absolutely dreadful AI (half life from 22 years ago had a much more dynamic and active AI)
*posts valid criticism*
*gets called a poorfag*
maybe not on Yas Forums OP.
There's at least one spot you can only reach by crawling in real space, but it's more of a gimmick.
As for the game, the story was kinda nonexistant until the end. Just going from place to place with a loose motivation feels like a missed opportunity, but that's Half Life I guess.
Also the weapons are a bit disappointing. While they're more "involved" with their reload mechanics and manual aim, they're still standard FPS weapons. Plus there's no melee at all.
The lack of melee interactions is my massive gripe with the game.
Tell me what it revolutionizes.
It's simply garbage with ugly models, no melee, no jumping and terrible gunplay.
The auto ladder and lack of climbing and jumping for people who aren't sicklets sucks ass.
Enemies are too bullet spongy and easy.
I hope someone makes a mod.
this, it's a massive missed opportunity
forgot to add to this:
>while subjective, the drastic change in artstyle gives it a much more cartoony feel, whereas half life always looked realistic (for it's time)
It felt like a tech demo and a VERY good one at that. Was it worth the VR? Tough question. I felt no buyers remorse so I guess it varies.
Play it if you CAN that's my opinion.
I think you can pistol whip manhacks, but it should be possible to pistol whip everything.
>Plus there's no melee at all.
This honestly killed it for me.
I mean they give us gravity guns for hands, the least theyd do is let us chuck shit at high speeds.
Too many objects you can pick up, but not utilize in the most obvious manner.
Kinda breaks the validity of the world in the same sense, as picking up a tablespoon in Morrowind, but not being able to equip it in your hand does, only decidedly more so, because you feel like you're really holding a book that is just a movie prop, because it can't open.
You know you can climb ladders normal right?
>because it can't open.
I have no clue why, but evert time i picked up an item, the first thing i did was try and open it or turn something.
It just felt so natural to want to open a book, open a bottle, pull a tab.
the artstyle is incredible and is like sorta very subtly cartoony. The environments look incredible and lighting is on bar with PT.
If you let go you teleport to top.
I throw bottles at AI to see if they're faking it and I used a lamp
>No melee combat
>No seriously what the fuck were they thinking VR excels in melee combat because literally everything not bolted down becomes a weapon which is a fun quirk of VR that very few non VR games ever achieve outside of... ironically, half life 2 and it's gravity gun
>Written in Portal 2 style quippy dialogue which works in portal but kinda doesn't fit half life outside of one-off comments like Zombine which even then was meant to be intentionally cringey on Alyx's part
>Completely missed opportunity to turn Alyx's tool into a god tier taser on the level of Syphon Filter's taser that would have instantly rocketed it into being as iconic as Gordon's crowbar if not surpassing it
>Not particularly difficult in a satisfactory way, I would have preferred more aggressive AI that did less damage but all had weak points of some kind like the gas canister combine and the zombies but hunted you in F.E.A.R. AI style and fought you in larger numbers rather than firefights that felt a bit more stop and pop
>Have to put +hlvr_continuous_normal_speed 165 +hlvr_continuous_combat_speed 165 in launch options to not move at a snail's pace in free locomotion mode because Chet Faliszek is a hack fraud moron who tried to meme smooth locomotion out of existence
>Barely justifies a nearly 60GB download
>Does not provide closure, just another cliffhanger, the time manipulation bullshit doesn't bother me because I can suspend my disbelief that GMan has the power to do that but if we have to wait 12 years for a game again after that valve can fuck themselves
>DID NOT RELEASE WITH ANY FORM OF MAP CREATION OR MOD MAKING TOOLS, luckily the half life community is autistic and jury rigging some of their own, it's still retarded they did that
I liked the game, but I've played VR games I enjoy way more than this. I hope it causes more VR devs to be less complacent but I'm not really fussed that it's an 9/10 instead of a 10/10 since I can just go play other VR games.
Try not whining all the time and try to enjoy things
>DID NOT RELEASE WITH ANY FORM OF MAP CREATION OR MOD MAKING TOOLS, luckily the half life community is autistic and jury rigging some of their own, it's still retarded they did that
This is by far the worst sin to me.
I was okay with this game lacking in certain areas, because I just assumed that Valve had released some modding SDK for the community that everyone could take and make great shit with, using HL:A as an inspiration.
I was really surprised to see absolutely nothing.
>whining about people criticising a product they paid for
take your own advice
I can find glaring flaws in my favorite video games, it doesn't make me like them any less.
No melee combat is still the worst criticism on the game you idiots come up with. Every VR melee that's not based one onehits sucks. And if it were always an instant kill it would have sucked too.
Throwing trash however would have been cool.
there is dedicated crouch, its in the options menu
If the enemies got knocked back at least it could have been neet.
i kind of see alyx as a launch game of sorts
not close to fulfilling the promise of vr but makes a pretty good argument for it
i think valve's intention with alyx is make a case for AAA vr development and inspire more and more big dev companies to invest in vr-first experiences because valve truly believes in vr, i suppose
They could've expanded on things a lot more. I felt there were a lot of missed opportunities with what happens. There was no early dog, no ravenholm before it went to shit, and barely any time spent in the populated part of the city. You just go through the quarantine zone, that's basically the entire game's plot.
The story is a lot more shallow than hl2 and is a lot more comparable to hl1, where you have simple little missions that you progress through until you reach the final big one. There are pretty much no twists or story arcs until the very ending of the game.
The combat was a bit too easy, I always finished the fights with the combine just as the music started getting good. Ai is also pretty slow, probably because valve thought fast ai was too difficult for new vr players.
There isn't as much enemy variety as in hl2, which is disappointing as I expected a lot of enemies returning from previous games, and then some new enemies to change things up. There is pretty much the new soldiers, two antlions types, one zombie type, and the reviver.
The puzzles get kinda repetitive after a while. This wasn't a problem in hl2 as each puzzle was different and was built into the world. I guess hacking puzzles fit more with alyx though, and the ones where you had to scan for wires were cool.
I enjoyed the game a lot, but I don't think it's exactly as good as hl2 was. Hopefully we get something as good as, or hopefully better than, hl2 when hl3 inevitably comes out in 6 years.
Only thing I would say that there is no melee combat otherwise the game is great
Okay but if they wanted to inspire things
Why did it not release with an SDK or at the very least the hammer 2 editor like they straight up said they would