Is he right?

Is he right?

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Undertale is indeed a shit game, but kermit is right in how is incorrect to shit on a game without understanding how it is shit.

Have you watched My Little Pony?



100% right. Groupthink and posturing for e-cred are pointless on an anonymous board so speak your mind.

Yes and it’s only gotten worse since 2016. Unless you find a thread for some pretty niche game you’re pretty much fucked if you’re looking for some kind of discussion regarding vidya in here. Board is just too fast now, with little to no quality threads whatsoever. But hey, at least we get a thousand pepe/wojak/console war/twitter/eceleb/OH NONONONO bullshit threads everyday. I don’t even know why I still hold onto hope that this place might one day get better.

anyone who went here before 2013 did

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You're fucking delusional

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hehe, filtered

Not really, you can tell when a game is shit merely by looking at gameplay footage. It's how we can tell that Half-Life: Alyx is shit, and we don't even have to waste one thousand dollars on Valve's gimmicky VR shit.



>posts tux frogs all the time off subject shitting on jannies
>see's cartoon from 8 years ago
>screams and cries for jannies to save them

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You can often tell that something's going to be shit with just a bird's eye view, but that doesn't mean your viewpoint is more accurate than someone who tried it out themselves. That's kind of a shitty selection bias at work but it's 100% true.

A guy who played Fallout 76 can tell me why it's shit in far better detail than someone who's just commenting on the sidelines. I'm saying this as someone who played that fucking disaster. I'm just annoyed whenever people shit on the game without going into detail, so Bethesda drones naturally dismiss it as a bunch of Internet mob hatred instead of justified criticism.

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>Not really, you can tell when a game is shit merely by looking at gameplay footage.

Can you really or is it dependent on who is actually playing?


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I don't know

Could you repeat the question?

you're not the boss of me now

>reddit spacing
There, perfect counter.

Yes. The whole point of anonymous posting was specifically to avoid shit like the hivemind hugbox bullshit Yas Forums has become. Anyone who just parrots the Yas Forums "consensus" is objectively a fucking retard and a detriment to this site.

People coming here unironically looking for actual discussion relating to vidya are fooling themselves.


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Yes, he's right. You cannot judge something if you've never tried it. It is cowardly to judge something and not form an opinion of your own. Whether or not the game is shit can be evaluated after you've played it, but it's spineless to critique something you've never played.

>quoting OP
reddit spacing is a meme to catch newfags, mootkins used to write like that.

Kek. There's something too real about that

Ah yes, the original redditor.

>you're a newfag because some literally who from reddit typed like that

>Is he right?

> Saves pic about a dude who blew up on some kid for not being to form his own damn opinion
> makes a topic asking to help form his own damn opinion

I know you're just making a topic with the typical braindead opener format, but you can't be this blind to see the irony here.


people will say you are wrong, they will decry your truth, and thus they will out themselves

what do you mean?

is that user right about OP's hyporcrisy?

what anime is this


Fuck yeah he's right, this place is a festering diseased armpit full of retards, the only reason I still visit this godforsaken pond of stinking scum foam is that sometimes it makes me aware of obscure games I wouldn't hear about anywhere else. Fuck this shithole and its endless repetitive waifu threads and smash bros threads. Fuck the thousands of mindless clones who repeat garbage meaningless generalizations like "hurr durr procgen is shit" and "open world games are garbage". You can't even mention some topics without at least 4 microcephalic imbeciles repeating the same tired faggotry we've all seen a million times before just because they want to fit in with le Yas Forums culture.

I fucking hate most of you and I hope your dicks rot off. Some of you are cool.

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That all posting a contrarian opinion (relative to Yas Forums) does is invite a shitstorm? Yes.

Should you also try to understand why people have that opinion, and if you should voice the contrary? Yes.

Malcolm no Densestu

No, he's the same redditor as people he's complaining about, just a different flavor
Writing out a long impotent post was the highlight of his life

This board is filled with zoomers. They won't play anything that doesn't have at least 15k viewers on twitch.

The only thing he was wrong about is that undertale actually does suck ass.

whats worse is when you played a game before it got popular on Yas Forums and have an opinion about it and people tell you you are just parroting what you saw on Yas Forums.

A little. It's just as bad or bland as any other kids show. There's no reason to hate it, it was just annoying to interact with people acting as if it's anything special.