What a boring fucking piece of shit. Can't believe I spent my time finishing this garbage...

What a boring fucking piece of shit. Can't believe I spent my time finishing this garbage. It's the one and only quarantine I'll ever live in, and I decided to spend my time playing this trash so I must be a fucking cocksucking moron.

Fuck this "game" and any normalfag retard that claims to like it.

Attached: botw.jpg (537x767, 97.2K)

let me guess

Of course. Why would I ever spend money on a nu-ntendo console?

I got bored of it too and didn't finish it

the exploration was nice but dragged on too long

If you can't enjoy the whimsey of all the little awesome details, the games not for you. Thats half its value. The other half is exploration and kino vistas.

Zelda has gone downhill since TP.

I like the exploration, secret finding, the freedom of going anywhere I want, not stuck in a scripted hallway.

>whimsey of all the little awesome details
You clearly played a different game. BotW is nothing but a huge empty wasteland with the same copy-pasted assets procedurally plastered in every area.
Nevermind, I shouldn't have read your post to begin with.

>secret finding

I didnt mind that either but this game had too many secrets most of which didnt warrant the dragged out game time. They should've cut down on the shrines to like half at least as well as the number of seeds you could find. There should be no more than 100 imo.

Yeah they went overboard about it. Cut the excess spend the rest of the effort into some real dungeons or caves to scratch the dungeon crawl itch. I hope they will go into that direction in the sequel.

>the games not for you
The true mark of someone without an argument.

Secret finding was great in this game. The number of shrines was fine. The Korok seeds were way to many for a simple colldctathon and suck a lot of fun out the game if you treat them as things that must all be found and gathered. I found treating them as fun, little surprises when you came across one or saw something interesting you wanted to try out was a better way to deal with them.

I tried to warn you bro.

Attached: cried.jpg (700x913, 110.21K)

Good thing all the shrines and seeds are optional. You can go straight to the final boss as soon as you've had your fill.

What's bad about it?

It's a solid 7/10.

what does cemu have anything to do with enjoying this tho?
if anything it should be more enjoyable than playing it on the switch

>Can't believe I spent my time finishing this garbage
You're a better man than I. Or worse, I dunno.

Great world full of nothing. Hardly anything to apply the neat abilities and physics to.

>awesome details,
The fuck are you talking about?

It was fun to explore and a world full of shit would be annoying as fuck. Just face you're bad at video games.

There's a lot there, it's just all mostly puzzle related, and it's all placed obscurely. There's very little that's frivolous or blatant in the game. It's quite a contrarian design choice for a modern age game.

Don't bother user, these faggots live to shitpost and have been BTFO by botw for 3 years straight. Let them seethe

game could use a bit more variety in the dungeons, but since this game is probably more of a tech demo for the real thing (botw 2), I'm willing to give it a pass. Who woulda thought that the key for a better zelda formula is assassin's creed parkour?

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2018.01.30 - (1600x900, 2.32M)

There's honestly way too much open space. Bigger doesn't always mean better. The random shit you find or come across isn't worth all the exploraton

>There's very little that's frivolous
...except the 900 korok seeds (half of which are quite literally useless), and 120 shrines (a huge chunk of which are either test of strength or blessing shrines), and the weapon chests which lose their value after the early game and become an exercise in inventory tedium.
btw you can't make the "there's very little that's frivolous" and "it's optional/you're not supposed to do all of them" arguments at the same time, they are mutually exclusive.

Guys I think I found one of the secrets you guys are talking about. Had a little trouble figuring it out though.

Attached: istockphoto-95615108-612x612.jpg (612x442, 33.24K)


Don't forget that out of all 900 korok seeds, there are about 15 different 'puzzles.' It's a metric fuckton of copy-paste

The korok seeds are practically the only frivolous thing. Everything else is a puzzle and worldbuilding, even if a lot of it is optional.

It's a kid's game, you're surprised the puzzles are easy?

Compared to the puzzles you find in most other action-adventure games or RPGs, the puzzles in BotW are much more interesting.

Of course the detractors only pick one thing and shit on it ad nauseam.
BoTW is the sum of all its parts, some just don't like it, I get it, I don't like racing sim no matter how I try. The thing is some also shit on you for liking the game, petty as fuck.