Achievement hunting isn't fun

Achievement hunting isn't fun.

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Nobody is forcing you to grind cheevos

thats a subjective opinion

I disagree. I completely understand why it isn't for everybody, and I won't try to change your mind about it, but I enjoy it.

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Not if you can't get them all anymore

So don't do it, pumpkin.

The Last of Us and Doom all achievements were such a pain in the ass especially because of the online bullshit

Like tears in the rain...

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>when your online friend messages you congratulating your 100% of sekiro the first week it came out

Felt good honestly, it was an impressive feat by me

It is for me.

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>Use to like collecting trophirs
>Brother runs Elders scrolls online on my account by mistake
Aaaand everything a turd in the wind...

They distract from the game since you don't want to complete a fun game and have like 10% of trophies

>The Last of Us
Literally just get 1 trophy for beating the game

if the game is good and the trophies aren't bullshit it can be fun. i enjoyed working through the trophies in the castlevania requiem collection, and the genesis collection on ps3 since it didn't expect you to 100% every game. it was mostly "do this little challenge 25% into the game" etc, just to let you dabble in each game enough to get a feel for them.


his account is now trash, trophies mean nothing because it's stained with ESO. it's like owning bad rats on steam

I'm about to make San Andreas my 200th platinum and the concept of playing games without aiming for trophies is weird to me. Games seem so short and devoid of content without going for them, don't seem worth the money without trophies to extend their playtime.

You can delete games you have no trophies in from your list, tho.

>only 3
come on son, step it up. Kudos for dealing with multiplayer trophies though

I had like 4 random people message me right after I got the platinum for Yakuza Kiwami platinum, asking for advice. Ended up playing Mahjong for one of them through shareplay because he was too much of a brainlet to figure it out.

>someone else went through the grind to get the platinum for Chain Of Memories
my nigger. I just got it last week myself How did you manage the tedium that was collecting all the enemy cards and grinding Riku to max level? It took me 3-4 days to do so, and I found that being intoxicated made it a lot more bearable by the third day.

heres some of my recent plats
getting driveclub and dc bikes to 100% was a bitch

Attached: Capture.png (901x676, 217.24K)

you got the gta V plat
autism indeed

Got 100% in dmc4 + dmc5
suck it casuals

>the easiest DMCs
100% 1 and 3, then I'll be impressed.

It should be. They appeal to me but for the most part aren't fun.

Over 5 thousand trophies in 8 years without grinding :^)

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>100% DMC3
If you want a real challenge get the plat on DMC2

cheats are funner, playing with your friends online for free is funnest

Then don't do it?

>platting cs3
madman, fuck those enemy scan trophies

>"do thing 1000 times"
Boring as fuck
>"complete the level/chapter X"
Too easy
>"try something with some sort of setback/hindrance"
Can be interesting
>"highly specific secret achievement"
Pain in the fucking ass but it can be a pleasant surprise if you get it by accident

I only got 3 platinums in 12 years of PSN, one of them very recently

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How did they get away with this?

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I lowered the autism by playing game so long that the percentage its shown is either
dividible by 2
dividible by 5

here's mine, probably not updated

Attached: Plats.png (861x4494, 2.49M)

>4x on console

Wait, you can fucking buy trophies in Automata?
Is this real?



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Depends on the achievements

yeah, it's not updated. It's saying I have everything in KH3 despite my not buying the DLC

Name a worse game to plat
No, monster hunter world is easy

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Only if the game itself isn't fun.

Weird. And yet here I am still working on completing the first Nier because they made the drop rates for items such a fucking grind.