I like Final Fantasy, and it hurts to see Yas Forums shitting all over it.
I like Final Fantasy, and it hurts to see Yas Forums shitting all over it
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If you liked it you would be joining in.
A: If you liked it you'd be sad at the sorry state it's in currently
B: Grow a thicker skin, pansy.
Stop being such a bitch.
Yas Forums shits over everything. Just like what you like, ayy i like Sonic and im not embarrased because some faggot shits on me just because im a Sonicfag.
Me too i like FF, mostly FF1.
Y'all are mean. I'm browsing reddit instead.
>I like Final Fantasy,
How? Look at the state of the franshise for over a decade,
I like nu-Doom and Alyx. Welcome to Yas Forums, everyone's a cunt
Good, stay there.
But the old games and romhacks are really good tho.
You know what hurts even more? liking final fantasy and seeing square hit all over it.
Nothing happened to Final Fantasy, though
Nigga I can't even remember when Final Fantasy was last good.
examples now
There's just no enjoyment from this place about anything. All people do here is complain. its just annoying, theres never anything good to say hear, just crying and whining over something
i just dont get why people are like this. Why cant you just enjoy something?
I like it too user, but I'm willing to admit that its past its prime.
Name one franchise with his place talks positively about. Just one.
You should be used to it after how garbage XIII, vanilla XIV, and XV were bub.
Does it hurt more than Square Enix shitting all over it?
I legit stopped listening to Yas Forums's opinions about games. There are some anons that intentionally shit on everything they don't think fits their perception.
That said, there are definitely various issues in the current industry that dilute games.
Improvement hacks, spoof hacks, FFVhacks.
I love Final Fantasy but hate the sorry state the series has been plunged into since FFXII.
Yas Forums has been flandarized, in the past we used to shit on games that were popular because of their dogshit business practices or declining quality. Now we shit on any game for even existing.
Yes, I agree. and I have complaints about games I love too. but it does not matter the dev, what its played on, who made it, whether its a good game or bad, or any other number of things. The average poster is just a fucking whiner, complaining and nitpicking about everything and anything. Just trying to extract as little joy as possible from any game or series
its just fucking stupid. I feel like Im trapped here, everyone else on the internet is just circle jerking about positives without complaints, but here its only complaints and no positives. theres literally no good place to go to enjoy and discuss games. you either get shit filled diaper babies like on Yas Forums who endlessly complain, or basedcucks like on reddit who only praise and try and keep everything happy and positive no bad thoughts style communication.
what the fuck
>”Why isn’t ___ in already?!”
>“Why does my favorite franchise have so little? Sakurai hates it, doesn’t he?!”
>”This plays worse than this older title”
Sorry my nigga I took the Y's Pill and left that shit franchise long ago..
XIII was when everyone should have known it would never get better.
I like Final Fantasy, I liked FFVIIR, I liked FF XIII to an extent, I liked FF XV for what it is, and I even had a sub to FF XIV for a while and enjoyed that with friends too.
The key is to stop listening to what fat NEET retards on this board think. Most of the time they're just shitting on something because it's popular, to make you angry, or because they simply don't like it themselves. Even when they do have legitimate criticisms, if you still like the game despite those flaws then it doesn't fucking matter and they can fuck off. If you can't accept that people around here are simply jaded fucks that will never enjoy anything, then you may just want to try out Reddit.
This, so much. Nothing good single player has come out of the series since then. We got a trilogy no one with a brain asked for, a shitty action game and an absolutely massacred rework that should've been easy money. Only SE could fuck up this bad with an IP this popular.
I wish they used luminous for FF7Remake isntead of Unreal.
Ys has gotten shittier too though.
If it makes you feel any better Yas Forums shits all over everything because it gives them something to look down on. You should also keep in mind that the latest entry gets it especially bad here and as soon as another releases, the previous one starts getting positive discussion. This looks exactly like ground zero for XIII and XV. This is probably the worst place to have a discussion about a new release, user.