Day 0 crack

>day 0 crack
>still went on to be the highest selling game of all time
ok paypigs tell me again how piracy hurts sales again?

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>tfw pirated it on xbone360 4 days before the release

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Piracy hurts sales for legitimate singleplayer games. GTA V made more off multiplayer microtransactions (and not to mention the game also had more marketing budget than virtually any other game in history. You don't see Super Meat Boy painted on the sides of skyscrapers).

>1 billion in 3 days
>before servers went online
try again wagecuck

The PC version was released like 2 years later than consoles, PC sales had no part in that 1 billion

also it came out on pc two years later

It was day 0 crack on xbox360 as well retard

120 million units worldwide as of last feb
over a billion (b-b-buh for B) in revenue from microtransactions
do the math poorfag

the 1 billion was on last gen consoles retard
which was also cracked

>implying console games get pirated in a number anywhere close to pc
don't act like a retard just to try defend your shitty point

I was in the IRC too

But how many people did really have a cracked Xbox 360, considering you'd get autoban from Xbox live?
GTA V is the prime example of why PC versions of games should be released two years later to protect the sales

>jailbroken xbox
>goes online
stay home zoom zoom

super meat boy is horrible

same but on ps3

Fuck piracy. Where's my native VR support? GTA VR where the V is Roman 5 used normally and the R is the Rockstar logo. The game already has a good physics engine, so climbing and melee would feel good. Even if the climbing was just edge and verticies grabbing like B&S

For a game as highly popular as GTAV, of course it'll still sell well, even if it lost 10% of its sales on PC. I'm estimating that number of course, I have no idea what the actual percentage might be. One of the best selling games of all time will still be one of the best selling games of all time if it loses some small percentage of its sales.

The mod works fine, probably better than any official version catered to sicklets would work.

Do you even reading comprehension, you retard?
Jailbroken 360's were probably only 2% of the total, at best

>But how many people did really have a cracked Xbox 360, considering you'd get autoban from Xbox live?
>you'd get autoban
except you didn't

>he actually believes this

Did this happen with San Andreas too back in the day? I played it on a copy disc at my cousin's house back in the day, days before release.

well, you see, obviously it would have sold like 4 times as much if it wasn't cracked.

I didn't have internet back then, but one of my friends was distributing PC version on DVDs, not sure if it was around release date or later on

Rockstar is pretty much invulnerable to low sales
Next question

bullshit, pirates were always going to pirate, supporters were always going to support it, cockblocking pirates isn't going to change their attitude about pirating games, it's just buy a little time, or it's completely moot in most cases

Because you can't pirate this.

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you do know this word implies they almost never get sick right?


> mfw 2K fired Dan Houser to make more of this piece of shit instead of single player projects because online has more money in it

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