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>Evangelion avatar
>Pretentious retard


haha take that you fucking children! finally a real MATURE game where i can shoot mushroom zombies while hiding behind cover! now thats true hardcore.

not a surprise to be honest.

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I still don't know why Last Of Us is the way it is, its either the greatest game ever made or a pile of shit, nobody ever just says what it was an okay game with decent combat and a bit too many cinematic sequences. Wonder how bad it'll be when 2 comes out.

Nintendo btfo once again

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Actually can't wait for the sequel, I just bought an oled tv

Based black man once again. Why do we hate them again?

>Evangelitard worships TLOU

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>$10 games bragging about sales

Someone post this on Yas Forums

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What the fuck is wrong with the UK?

it's a mature game because it's rated M so i can feel like i'm an adult!

noooo delete this
fucking snoy!

did people not hear about the release being cancelled and confused lou 2 with 1?

>shit tastes
What else is new?

Incels be seething

TLOU2 at launch will outsell RE2/RE3 Remakes and Doom Eternal combined

Ya'll can't stop this top-shelf quality title, higher budget and more Talent than any PC/Xbox/Nintendo game(facts)

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typical of a TLOU tranny to use gay-ass twitter lingo

This is how I feel about PS5. I'm not spending 500 bucks to play 1-2 games over the course of the entire next gen.

its gonna suck, but nonetheless it will become game of the year because of
muh strong femal lead

strong lesbian female lead on a playstation exclusive.
media kikes like jason schrier are already writing up their GOTY reviews of it before even playing it.

>both Game of the Year nominees enforce Gay Rights :^)

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I did not know that she was lesbian, but that defnitely will improve the rating

exactly how I feel as an ex Nintendo-only player. Yeah, they still reinvent their franchise sometimes, but not enough to keep them fresh.


TLOU will dab on Soiberpunk's shitty GTA knock off

Why do we keep losing conservabros?

I agree

>I'm not spending 300 for 3 games
>Xbox Gamer

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>wont spend 300 dollars for the best games of the generation
>spends 400 dollars on a console with no games

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>Bayonetta 3 not even out
>Astral Chain is just mediocre
>never even heard of MUA3
>these are the best games of the generation


Toxic Nintendo fans wish they're games were as progressive as Xbox titles.

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This is honestly a totally fair opinion to have, i feel the same about other consoles besides Nintendo, sice i have a PC for multiplats.
This is obviously a very opinionated argument, so i don't get why you're treating it as some objective fact though.

AS alone is better than literally every Xbox game since Ninja Gaiden 2

>best-selling game about a pandemic increases sales during a pandemic
Why is this so difficult for you smooth brains to wrap your heads around? Contagion is one of the most watched films right now for this same reason.

>Why is this so difficult for you smooth brains to wrap your heads around?
do you know where you are

ok falseflagger