Just got a new game in the mail

Just got a new game in the mail

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hope you like it

Open it up OP


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Are you the same nog that attention whores here all of the time? What's your end goal anyway?

Can I get an n-word pass homeslice?

well cut it open then, you definitely have a knife

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my nigga, set it aside so the corona nigger killing virus dies. then open it.

Well don't leave us hanging faggot.

Nice try

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>Yas Forums filename
Pretty sure I saw this thread before. You can even find the actual receipient's address from the USPS tracking.

give it back jamail

I told myself no fapping today fuuuck

Who's mail is that?

old post is old

Wait why the fuck is it PEGI?

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I tried looking up the adress but it didnt show me any tracking info. Just that the package did exist

what's wrong with your hand? why is it black?

Fuck my wife please

you have to wait for your turn fag

>tfw I got an ESRB copy from Amazon once
Still worked, at least.
Also, good taste.

the european game ratings fags


Now that's what I call blackmail.

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I want to fuck Laxia's big hole.

>tfw Y's girls are so feminine + Sexy at the same time

I think I fell in love with Dana

fucking carlos

Pic related is actually named "yes this is fine". Never heard of 4ChanX kiddo?

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you should return that to the porch you took it from

The filename randomizer won't return a timestamp from five years ago my man

scanned the barcode now I got your address dumb nigger.


based and redpilled

carlos saves this shit thread



My wife always wanted a bbc in the relationship. Should i ask a black guy to help us?

>What's your end goal anyway?
Validation from white people

Please let this be a normal field trip

50 Cent: Blood in the Sand

Attached: 153165-50-cent-blood-on-the-sand-playstation-3-front-cover.jpg (800x935, 181.84K)

who are you OP

what's your name

what are your hopes and dreams?

Are you the same guy as all the other black hand posters?

Only if you are white

that would be based


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