I wish I had spent more time playing with digital toys made for children

I wish I had spent more time playing with digital toys made for children.

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I would be thinking I wish I had died sooner honestly. I love my consoles and pc

so what's a good way to spend your time then

I wish i had spent more time working for mr Rosenberg

Learning about different subjects using the internet
Having sex

Hello OP, why do you visit Yas Forums

This is exactly the thoughts of the boomers.

Having sex is loads of fun but fucking meaningless and overrated unless you're doing it with someone you truly love.

what's the point of getting smart and fit if you just die


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what if you don't die

I love to play videogames and also all those thing but reading. Did I win in Life game?

>I wish i had read more
>I wish I had lift more
>I wish i had learned more internet things, like why traps aren't gay ... or are they?
>I wish I had more sex (as a boomer, with a hot wife, I assure you you won't think about this one except if ur an incel)
>I wish I had watch more movies

>I wish I had played more videogames

Why is the videogames one worse than the other ones?



I wish I had spent more time working myself to death for people that would eventually forget about me

>reading in game
>exercising by using wii fit
>learning about different subjects by playing different games
>having sex with my onahole while playing vr

>I wish I had spent more time reading
>I wish I had spent more time exercising
>I wish I had spent more time on the internet
>I wish I had spent more time fucking
Those sound just as bad, some even sound worse. The fact that you didn't say spending time with friends and family tells me that you live a shallow life and aren't anymore fulfilled than anyone else on Yas Forums. You probably don't even do any of the things you listed.

That's why you find someone you love. You're not going to do that by playing video games all day.

Exercise prevents you from feeling lethargic and releases endorphins that make you feel good. It also keeps your body healthy, which means you're more attractive and you'll develop less health problems that cause uncomfort later in life.

And while everything is destined to die, there are two ways to leave a legacy behind. The first way is through genetics, you accomplish this by having sex. The more attractive you are, the likelier it is that you'll attract a mate that can help you achieve this goal. Every single one of your ancestors had sex and that is why you exist today. If you fail to have children then you are a biological failure.

The second way to leave a legacy is via contributions to society. By studying and working in a scientific field, creating something that can be enjoyed by other people or fighting for something you believe in, you're leaving a permanent mark on the world. Isaac Newton, Einstein, Shakespeare, Gandhi, etc. have both been dead for a very long time yet people still remember them and what they gave to the world. They have been immortalised via their contributions to the world. You don't make any contributions by playing video games all day.

>learning about different subjects
This is legit. It's easier to learn about history through vidya than in school

I wish I had spent more time baiting (you's) on a chinese batsoup cooking forum

Literally no-one in history has died saying "I wish I had less sex". Sex has always been one of the greatest pleasures known to man since ancient times. To claim otherwise is an incel cope.

Too bad I was mutilated at birth and will never know

You missed his point, he didn't mention the quality of any of that shit just that lamenting over having less of those things makes you a shallow person. The fact you place it so high on your priority list leads me to believe you're still in your teens or 20's and still have plenty of hormones clouding your judgement. Ask any old fuck 60+ if he would marry again, you'd be surprised just how much people(men) think less of sex later on in life and wish they hadn't wasted so much of their time on the pursuit of it.

60 year old men lack the energy for sex and they're usually not attractive enough to seduce other people. When you're in the prime of your life, you should be enjoying yourself while you can. You have the rest of your life to pursue other interests.

>Man I sure am glad I spent all that time traveling and meeting new people...AHHH CHOO

Okay and what's the point of leaving a legacy

I wish I had bought more Tesla stock during the pandemic.

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Dude same

I actually wish, because instead of playing games and having fun i mindlessly scroll this garbage website and get mad.

If you don't want to leave any sort of legacy, why not stop delaying the inevitable and just kill yourself? You'll be doing the world a favour since you'd otherwise be wasting resources.

>I wish I had spent more time nagging people for playing digital toys made for children

I sadly learned more from Video Games than my education in the states. That's so fucking sad. However, the redpill is that videogames have brought me joy, relationships, perspective and heightened intelligence. Not many things more worth my time; nothing more enjoyable that's so accessible.

Nah, you just need to find someone you have good chemistry with. I've had casual sex that was miles better than with a romantic partner.

Every famous musician in history would disagree with you. Especially classical ones.