How the fuck can you play mmos?

>How the fuck can you play mmos?
Been looking for a fun decent mmo to play but nothings going well. Open to recommendations

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Warhammer Return of Reckoning is pretty solid.

Paying a subscription for an MMO is a cuck move

>Using that many addons for fighting Jaraxxus

I had fun because I never cared too much about the e-peen competition at the highest levels of play so much. I was content to find a chill guild of degenerates and we would stay up late just joking around and farming mats. Eventually I became an officer, then raid leader, then my IRL friend became GM. We were never near the server top whatever in raids or PVP, but we had tons of fun. I quit like 5 years ago, but I still get wedding invites from various guildies. Shit was worth.

Too bad devs keep fucking the game every time they patch it.

lol babbys first mmo full of kiddies
calling that 3 hotkey casual crap hardcore is pretty cringy


there are no half decent mmo's out there now.
you can thank mobas and battle royales for that

Attached: 7efa0fb74b869df80c2c547feacf2929.jpg (800x1200, 41.47K)

>new 'mmo' gets announced
>see footage
>another rust like

>new mmo
>cool sounding features
>dies in development hell

>new mmo
>cool sounding features
>normies get interested
>every cool sounding feature gets slowly stripped away until release
>devs wonder why it's dead on arrival

I'm tired, so very tired.

Attached: 1a1aaaaaaaaaaa.jpg (640x640, 40.09K)

>cool world to explore
>braindead difficulty

>new mmo
>made by small rag tag team in some country that's not even on the map
>they make huge promises

I want to play Atlantica back in its glory days again

Fuck, I wish there was something like atlantica with the turn based fight system and all. I played it to death

Don't listen to FFXIV trannies, they lie.

>it gets cancelled after years of development
>turns out it was a scam all along

Rent free

>reading tranny posters at all
just avoid any post that has "XIV" on it

MMOs are over user, just move on.

I am still upset at that planetside 2 but warhammer 40k one.

what kind of gameplay are you looking for
also, there's always free trials

Oh boy.. It's so sad what we actually got but I'm surprised they actually made a game at all.
>literal who studio
>massive promises
So many points of failure. Basically as cursed as a project can be.


>no XIV post in the entire thread
>has to mention it because he's traumatized
Don't play MMOs.

ive seen this image so many times but it just keeps on giving
>fps 8
>winamp weeb music

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the only way an mmo will ever actually get made again is if a big aaa company gets behind it and that will never happen considering that every non-wow mmo failed except for a couple that found niches like runescape
none of these kickstarter mmos will ever see the light of day

There are no good MMO's in 2020

Rift was great.

You are 15 to 20 years late for the MMO era

Project 1999
>Relive the Classic Everquest Experience as it was from 1999 to 2001. Project 1999 is a free to play Classic Everquest Server, unaffiliated with Daybreak Game Company but operating under legal permission. Our goal is to restore the magic and difficulty of the original Everquest game, including the mechanics, interface, and challenges of Original Content, Kunark, and Velious. Project 1999 is the most popular and most accurate reincarnation of Old School Everquest.

New server just opened in October, so it's still a great time to jump in.
The older servers are still up also if you want an easier time as well.
Super awesome community and a ton of fun to play. Pic related is a photoshop of my character that a guildmate made. I'm a halfling warrior and I love it.

Attached: ky.jpg (1552x873, 802.34K)

That's the joke

the genre's dead as fuck, there are no more MMOs, and there hasn't been for well over a decade
the only way you're going to play an MMO is by getting on a dead private server for some 20+year old game that everyone already knows like inside out

Unless you want to play some really really slow single player games, you'd best get a time machine and go back to the early-mid 2000's.

>just opened
>in October