Basically a worse jew company than EA

Basically a worse jew company than EA.

>their practices are okay since they are glorious nippon masterace
Shut up, dork.

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Capcom peaked 6th gen. 7th gen was them being braindead retards. 8th gen is them being braindead kikes.

Have you noticed there's been a bunch of retards going after Capcom lately? It's almost like a coordinated effort.

capcom rushes out one game and suddenly they are as bad as EA? wtf, do you even remember how EA pushed lootboxes so far that various governments had to crack down on them? how about the sheer number of amazing developers EA has killed? what about the franchises they bought and are sitting on so that no one else can profit from them, but EA have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER to make a new game out of?

EA and Activision are like the tumors of the gaming industry, they are causing damage and polluting everything around them, but they are so deeply ingrained in the industry that it's almost impossible to get rid of them at this point

They have been a lot better now. Specially since trying to sell stuff that was already in the disc as the dlc. Was it Tekken X Street Fighter? But I will always hate them for DmC.

Check the store pages of their games.
>for an extra shekel you can have this item!
An item that should have eben in the base game.

It's almost like they've recently released a new game in beloved franchise and its reception was subpar.
No, that would make too much sense, I'd go with coordinated plotted attack, too.

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And that makes them worse than fucking EA how?

They're basically the devil lite.

Nice try EA you still aren't better or a good company.

No one will forget the loot boxes and pay to win

OK Capcom bootlicker.

>Unironically going to burn out customers on Resident Evil because they have no other IPs or the talent required to make new ones

keep milling out those yearly resident evil games bro

>actual EA dick sucker
Capcom isn't good either

They been doing that since the first RE though.

>no u

Speaking of, is this guy still CEO?

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that still doesn't even put them close to being as evil as EA

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The slight difference is that Capcom actually makes good games


Check battlefront 2
>had to patch out the loot box pay to win system to lure idiots in to play the game

What was your point again?

What has been said before, they shit out remakes to make quick bank. Yas Forums isn't a fighting game board, but don't forget what happened to Street Fighter V

this, op has no idea what he's talking about.

Most probably just seething Nintentrannies from Resetera. They have been hating Capcom ever since MonHun ditched Nintendo's platform.

Are you gonna pretend Nintendo is not the Apple of the gaming industry?
>$20 Switch Online
>$80 Goy-Con
>$80 cardboards
>$60 Link's Awakening
>$60 Dong Freeze when the WiiU version is just $50
>$60 Super Mario Tennis
>$60 Super Mario Party
>$60 ARMS
>$60 Pokken
>$60 Pokemon LGBT
>$60 Pokemon SWSH + $30 DLCs
>$60 Kirby Star Allies
>$60 Luigi's Mansion 3
>$20 Hard Mode for BOTW
>Amiibo jewfaggotry

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capcom games aren't sold at full price?

yes they screwed up that one up a bit, but re is overrated anyways.
Their last big games were MH World and DMCV so shut up.

I love how the OP scape goats EA for no real particular reason. Nintendo has made its entire existence off milking an endless sea of re-hashes, but now you want people get made about it?
Oh fuck off.

>Check BOTW
>For $20, you can get Hard Mode and some armors and shrines!
Meanwhile, CDPR gave 16 free DLCs, and a $25 expansion pass that is bursting with contents. I still remembered when this board cummed buckets over BOTW's expansion pass reveal trailer.

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Most Capcom games have AAA production value, have deeper gameplay and are bursting with contents. Meanwhile, just look at Link's Awakening, a 10-hour game with 3DS-tier production value and ask yourself whether it really warrants the $60 price tag.

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I'm glad Fromsoft's and Capcom's recent games are not being released on Switch. The devs don't have to downgrade the graphics and dumb down the difficulty just to cater to Switchtrannies. And it's cathartic seeing Sekiro tore SMBU into pieces and DMC5 mangled Asstranny Chinchin into bloody gibs during TGA 2019. Stay seething and assblasted, Nintensoiboys.

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Name a capcom game with lootboxs
Name a capcom game that released without microtransactions to soak up the good press for that and then added them in a week after release (This was activision but I bet ea is gonna try it now that Activision got away with it)