Witcher 3 has the best and most consisent cinematography of a videogame ever made

Witcher 3 has the best and most consisent cinematography of a videogame ever made.

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framing =/= cinematography

Framing IS ABSOLUTELY PART of good cinematography.
It's not 100% of it, obviously, but a good director needs to be iron clad in his ability to apply good framing to his shots correctly.

Jesus, shut the fuck up you inexcusably uneducated fucking retard. Spewing bullshit you could've figured out literally in the span of 30 seconds just with a couple of clicks.

Fuck's sake.

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Yeah but its only because it's expensive to set up the scenes and despite having great talent they dont have the time in other AAA studios.

But it's not expensive to have good blocking and framing. Witchers 3s presentation is an evolution from 2 which evolved from 1

i think u meant ReMake 1

Its expensive when you have so much footage to take care of.

Compared to what, you blithering fucking retard?
What talent? Where? Who? With the obscene AAA budgets, they "have talent but not time"? How many fucking layers of delusion are you on?

ME1 only had good scenes whenever it was copying Battlestar Galactica, the other 2 games are trash. Snoy movies are garbage. Deus Ex looked good but had that piss filter and the in-engine processing for cutscenes. Ubitrash injects """""""""""""cinematic gameplay""""""""""" to their garbage when it doesn't need it. I could go on and on and on.

You're not only fucking wrong, you have no basis for your argument.

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CDPR has tools that create template animations, poses, camera angles etc. for the scene that the devs can then tweak which greatly reduces overall effort needed.

I don't understand why devs still hasn't get how cutscenes look and feel yet, after so many years we still have really janky, buggy and uninteresting cinematography just to translate in-game assets to "act" in what is basically a simple cutscene.

Agreed 100%.

I'm surprised nobody has copied it yet. Simply by moving the camera around a bit, showing some establishing shots etc. they made the sidecontent feel alot less like filler/ after thought.

Most WRPGs use the default back and forth camera for all sidequests. Combined with the limited animation library this makes it so the dialogue scenes look identical - the models and background.

And everyone else does not?
Don't fucking kid yourself; stop basing your opinions on shitty journo exposes. They all have the tools, knowledge, funds and capability. What they do not have is soul, willingness and drive.
They are all just too busy blackwashing their socialist movie games and running interns to the ground to actually produce art.

"Bioware magic" does not create hallmarks.

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>And everyone else does not?
At the time their system made headlines so I guess it's not widely used.
Sure they would look into copying cdpr but first making that feature in an engine and have it be used by a dev team takes years.

Fucking bullshit. Stop talking out your ass. The sole fucking reason TW3 differed was because CDPR direction at the time(as well as with the whole witcher trilogy)was to simply push their budget to the limit, squizing every ounce of soul they could out of the games.

Everyone else was too busy hamfisting their politics, paying off journos, appeasing human-resources and taking wokeness seminars.
And for those with balls, they simply got fucked up the ass by corporate greed. You're ignorant and it makes me seethe in real life.

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Time, basically. Most designers get shit to a "it'll do for now" phase, and then never get around to actually sorting it later due to time constraints. Couple this with the fact most programmers are autistic and have no eye for style or artistic flair, who literally just frame the camera so it has what you need to see with no regard for aesthetic composition. Normally a game designer would play it and tweak stuff like this, but again due to time constraints it doesn't always happen.

THEN you need to take into account interactivity and environment. It's easier to frame things nicely if everything is tightly scripted, but dynamic cutscenes that adapt to player position in the environment have to deal with a whole host of variables that could fuck the frame up at any notice - this almost always results in a substandard shot.

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>they made the sidecontent feel alot less like filler/ after thought.
The side content in witcher 3 is neither filler nor after thought, that's why they don't feel like it. Cinematography sure elevates them though

As we learned from Joseph andersons w1 video that game had side quests that were essentially main quests and the story/npc interactions didnt make sense if you skipped them.
So they have a long history with side quests being important.

>dynamic cutscenes that adapt to player position in the environment
There's literally no such thing.

Player-character position is irrelevant; they can simply slide you into position like in Bethesda games or nuGod Of War for example, or cut to a different camera shot/fade to black while the p-c is being teleported to position. First choice is jarring when seen, no matter how hard they try to mask it it'll eventually show up. The second choice breaks one's immersion and takes you out of the experience especially in RPGs.

There's no ultimatum. Everything comes down to developer worth and corporate meddling.

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Some main story quests are also locked behind side quests

It would be weird saying this, but i think game devs should employ some kind of "cutscene director" that would sort through the game script and position the in-game model and assets, then apply the scene accordingly. At least in the sort of "talking heads", dialogue heavy video games like Mass Effect or The Witcher

If only they released those tools for the modding community instead of the shit "REDkit" we got


Show a better example from 2015 videogames.

Its proprietary tech, they dont need to spread it around.

i agree with everything u said here

anything you can recommend? videogames are fucking shit man

Triss or Yen?

Yen is canon

>anything you can recommend?
I don't play videogames to watch movies.
If the cinematography is nice, that's a mere plus. Play whatever you enjoy and stop getting preoccupied with non-issues. Most fucks out there are too incompetent to even pull proper narratives off, much less fucking frame scenes.

I've learned to enjoy things for what they are.

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Triss, I'll put her in the cannon.

>When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, 'no, I went to _Yas Forums_.'

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