how do you think is capcom going to update ashley for modern audiences in the resident evil 4 remake?
How do you think is capcom going to update ashley for modern audiences in the resident evil 4 remake?
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You mean Ashleefa?
Yoga pants
>Facescan some monkey looking westerner
>Reduced jiggle physics
>Give her pants
they will nerf her ballistics and cute ears i just know it
hopefully they make her attractive
It's almost guaranteed. Worse tits, and say goodbye to her miniskirt because "muh realism."
This is the future we've earned.
Leon will be saving Trump's son instead.
>they turn RE4 into a BL anime
I will now buy your game.
They take this as a chance to retcon everything and redo entire premise so that Leon goes after Claire who has gone missing while searching for Chris, and after initial rescue player takes turns playing each without any escort mechanics. Also Ganados are now directly controlled by Umbrella that remains as big baddie behind the scenes.
she won't be even in it.
Completely scrap the rescue quest. Try to make her into a. “Wymyn stronk” feminist example of them “breaking the stereotype” and it ruins everything
Ashley will be cut from the game, obviously.
We both know they're gonna drop her to a B cup.
Jeans and tanktop.
better than fake skirt
She was already a goblina in times in which goblina meme wasn't even a thing. Just look at her on that image there and tell me that Amerimutt doesn't come to your mind. So they can't make her uglier than she already is.
She's ugly-cute.
They shouldnt change her much. If anything maybe make her look a little more like Sherry in RE6 but other than that she doesnt need much changing. She was a college student when this happened, people shouldnt expect her to do much in terms of combat. She can be part of a new inventory management system.
Nuclear disarmament incoming.
Dont fuking joke with this, they most certainly can make her ugly af if they wanted to troll.
Learn how to write in English if you're going to post on an English speaking board you peabrained monkey.
>make her ugly
Don't you mean "more ugly". She's fucking hideous. Nobody thinks she's cute except pedo weebs and pedo japs because her facial proportions are literally that of a young child.
Over 20 years later and still just as relevant.
Pretty much what I meant when I said ugly af. She could look worse. Facially she looks like an 18 year old, yeah. I dont think Capcom wanted to make her look womanly.
chill mutt, did tyrone not let you play your switch today or something?
they're going to give her milf tits
facescan some attractive model after she's gone 5 rounds with chris brown
cast some annoying as fuck girl for her english VA
downgrade ballistics
give her tons of girl power segments in her expanded sections that don't make sense since she'll still be "help me leon" when not controlling her
Knight outfit is default to keep the SJWs at bay, if you preorder from Gamestop you might get a code for the original slutsuit.
Let's be honest here. They're going to make her breasts small and get rid of Luis hitting on her. T
Today that shit would be weird as hell to see a 35 year old man hitting on a 17 year old teen who's sexualized as drastically as she was (short shorts, can see panties, huge breasts implants wtf?)
ashley's like 21 bro
No matter what they do, there will be daily threads about how hot she is just like there are for nu-Claire and nu-Jill. They will just keep making characters uglier and uglier and coomers will lap it up anyway. Pretty soon they will switch out human characters for dogs and coomers will still make daily threads about them
She's not REAL