Why are they called turks

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No idea.
It may be related to this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Turks.

Turkey is badass

Because they commit genocide

>t. Turk

>t. Turk
>not t. urk
one job user

>t. uruk-hai

This, not to be confused with The Young Turks, the ultra liberal independent news show.

They were assembled to hunt down the jive turkeys in favour of making white people supreme. Barret is considered endangered.

Cenk's meltdowns are pretty fucking comfy to watch

Because they smell like shit and fuck sheep.

Too bad he's a hypocritical blowhard who creates his own worst enemies

I want to bang Ana Kasparian so much.

Imagine if I made a youtube show called Hitler Jugend, wonder how many seconds it would take to perma ban me

Try not to over anything everything, user. Why is Sephiroth called Sephiroth? Why is Shinra called Shinra? Why is Jenova called Jenova?

It don’t think there was much thought behind the naming scheme of their faction - it was just a “yeah, this sounds like it could be in a FF game about a dystopian future run by a fascist government”.

Their hearts be free tonight (weewoowooweeerrrweewooweeerrrweeerr)!

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Lawrence of Arabia probably. "The Turks" are poised as this overwhelming power throughout the movie.

Because they deny the Armenian genocide

Shinra means 'myth' and Sephiroth comes from Sefirot which is from kabbalah (evil jew magic)

None of SE's autistic nomenclature is done on accident.

Jehovah + nova = Jenova

Basically a "new God"

What genocide?

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It's a mistranslation. They're supposed to be called the "Tuxs" since they always wear suits.

So how does “Shinra” pertain to he company the word supposedly means? Yeah, it might mean “Myth” in a particular language; but why call a power company/repressive government “Myth”, when they are very obviously real?

Also, why name Sephiroth after Jewish magic, when no other Jewish themes are present in the entire game? Fit seems like a bit of a stretch, user.

That’s a bit of a stretch, user.

If the remake can do one thing right, it's to give us a boss fight against Reno and all Turks at once


This game would have been so much better if had anime art direction like in concept art.

This is what I mean; FF fandom followers are always so quick to over-analyse anything to make it seem more complex and deeper than it is.


It happened in Dark Cloud as well, with the “Crysknife”. Everybody theorised that’s it was a magical blade made from a crystal and had a deep lore hidden behind it. It was a translation error in Japanese to English, and was called a “Cliff Knife”, hence the symbol carved into it and it’s shape representing as such,

what's his beef with alex jones. both are autistic conspiracy nuts, you think they'd have some common ground.

Because they're chasing after a myth of the Promised Land.

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why did they name themselves after that horrible group? nd have they gotten shit for it?