Get nostalgic for a moment

>get nostalgic for a moment
>decide to reinstall Oblivion
>start new game, make up a character
>"you're going to die in here" etc. etc.
>play through the tutorial a bit
>remember that the female armor in Oblivion looks like this
>sigh and close the game
Why is this allowed?

And before you say it, no, I am not one of those fucktard SJWs who gets personally offended by the existence of titties in video games and believes that the "male gaze" is equivalent to the holocaust (or would be, if it was real).
I don't hate revealing armour because it's "objectifying", I hate it because it's FUCKING STUPID.
If I'm wearing armour, or fighting against enemies that are wearing armour, that armour should look like it actually protects the wearer.
Look at this shit. Whenever I see a female bandit wearing this it looks like I could just plunge my sword into her neck, or take one of her arms off. But I can't, because this is apparently "armour".

If I want to create an armoured female character, I want her to look like she's protected by armour.
If I want to create a female character in a skimpy outfit to coom to, I will just unequip the armour, or wear a different outfit.

>but user it's just fantasy it's not meant to be realistic!
There's a difference between unrealistic and "completely fucking retarded".
Unrealistic is fighting daedra and mages and minotaurs and shit in a land filled with elves and lizard people.
Completely fucking retarded is this fucking armour, which is on the same level as defeating daedra and minotaurs and wizards with an inflatable rubber horse dildo. Because that would be as effective as a weapon as pic related would be as armour.

Jesus Christ it even has a gap in the boobs to stick a blade through. God damn right I mad.

Attached: oblivion female chainmail.png (600x1000, 1.29M)

why are you playing as a woman

Is this seriously what you're complaining in Oblivion about? Not the godawful combat, or how much Oblivion gates suck, or the scaling... this?

Your character looks like a man.

2/10 bait apply yourself

Mods, retard. I get where you're coming from but if you're not preemptively modding this shit then it's on you

Just get a mod, retard.

>playing as a woman

Attached: Schopi.jpg (300x300, 26.57K)

Who said I was? I'm just pissed off at its appearance on the female NPCs.

But if I did want to play as a woman, I might want to play as a woman who isn't completely stupid (yes, I know, this is fantasy) and goes to fight against evil cultists and world ending demons while wearing something that actually stops a sword blow.

The iron set is just as bad. Holy fuck. I can forgive this on the Dark Seducers because they're daedra of madness but who in the fuck sane would actually wear something like this?

Attached: iron armour female.png (600x1000, 1.13M)

It's an image off the wiki. I'm not actually playing as a woman.

chainmail is the only armor set in the game that does that, its not a big deal anyway since you arent forced to use it

>I came here to bitch about something that doesn't effect me
Fuck off.

>Playing any Bethesda game at this point in time without a fuckload of mods

And yet here you are, bitching about this thread that doesn't effect you.

Am downloading the mods already.

no one with any sense will agree with you because you're nitpicking and clearly only to get replies

>no one with any sense will agree with you
No shit, this is Yas Forums. Contrarian central.

So wear steel armor? Not every suit of armor covered every inch of body in real life you dumb faggot, you're trying WAY too hard to fit in zoom zoom.

low test
i used to strip the bodies of female bandits naked, grab the ragdolls and then fap to their titties

Attached: cooman.jpg (1221x1080, 359.72K)

>you're trying WAY too hard to fit in zoom zoom.
I was here for 7M GET. I'm sure an oldfag like you will be able to tell me what it was without googling.

>n-no u

There's far better things for me to coom to than Bethesda characters.

I don't know what to say user, looks like it protects the wearer to me

Attached: 5260004347_c43f32bf46_b.jpg (819x1024, 197.82K)

You do realise that Oblivion is based in the Imperial city, which is based on the Romans....right? It's quite realistic

Attached: topsy-s-last-cigarette-gladiator-armor-inspired-01-joel-deligne-topsy-s-last-cigarette-grey.jpg (1920x1920, 648.42K)

my options in 2006 were limited, son
it all became better when exnem released his bodies + slutty elf face


I use to coom over the perfect dark zero in-game "model viewer"

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 167.66K)

before that i used the nord dancer girl in suran + better bodies
no regrets

Daedric is one of the ones that aren't completely awful.
Romans didn't have retarded armour either, though. Except for gladiators, who were slaves expected to die.

Play a different game you massive faggot

Besides the edges designed to catch a blow, this isnt that bad as far as fantasy armours go user, plenty of armour didnt cover the entire body it's not a big deal, just about as unrealistic as a woman beating a man in a physical confrontation

>wanting extra heavy armor on

that doesn't make physical sense this is literally you think youdo but you don't. She wouldn't be able to move in that armor you pleb. fucking THINK.

>imagine playing oblivion over morrowind or skyrim
Worst of both worlds.

>just about as unrealistic as a woman beating a man in a physical confrontation
I know, which is why they need all the help they can get. And that armor isn't helping.

Yes I know, but hypothetically imagine a woman who is strong enough to wear chainmail.

s i m p

Gladiators weren't expected to die you faggot, the fights were for show

Your pic is more armored than hoplites, full armor covering everything is not the norm.

idk why you are bitching about this, especially when most of the armor is fine (only the iron, gladiator and dark seducers + saints are somewhat skimpy). This is no reason to stop playing a timeless classic like oblivion. There are also some genuine things to criticise about the game like the level scaling and this is what you come after?