ITT we pretend to be /vr/ - Retro Games

ITT we pretend to be /vr/ - Retro Games

>hurrrrrrrrrffff durrrrrrrrffff Gothic is not retro

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>/vr/ in 2012 when the n64 was 16: wow the n64 is so old i love retro games
>/vr/ in 2020 when the ps2 is 20: not /vr/

Why do they think time is static?

what a fine day to enjoy videogames

Ma’am can I please have a crumb of pussy


>when someone says "a game has aged"

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Yeah, what is the arbitrary these twats deem fitting for something to be retro? 20 fucking years is an entire generation of people. It's old, it's retro, get over it.

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If they let the PS2 in, that would also mean letting the GCN and Xbox in, and here's what would happen
>Halo faggots flood the board
>retarded faggots from Yas Forums that spammed the boomer meme will spam that meme but with things like fucking Jak and Daxter or that australian tiger game
>more hostile Zelda threads
It'd be a whole lot worse.
That, and PS2/GCN/Xbox games may as well still be modern considering you can still buy 99% of the good ones, legally, from the original publisher (or a publisher that absorbed the original one).

Jesus, I hope they do this ironically. No way there are fags unironically nostalgia for shitty console fps.

>/CRT/ Thread, Rika A Cute Edition

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/vr/ fell to brain dead Yas Forums shitposting years ago, there's nothing to defend from now

I still hate video games.

You'd be very surprised, the board population has changed dramatically in the last half a decade to people who were infants when Halo came out

/vr/ is such a shit board. Everyone on there is so scared of getting the piss taken out of them for looking like a 90s kid cringer that they all pretend to be self-aware of nostalgia goggles and feign positivity about newer games and shit on older ones. Just admit that you unironicaly prefer older games and stop with the whole "if I pre-emptively admit that older games are shit you can't call me out for preferring them" bs. What's the point of a retro vidya board where the userbase prefers newer games?

they want to keep retarded Yas Forums users like you out

Holy shit, Yas Forums kiddies SEETHING in this thread.

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Most of Yas Forums is shit. Everyone is self aware and takes every shitpost too seriously. They care more about (You)s and having the last reply in an argument than having a casual conversation about video games.

If they let the Xbox in it means you can discuss the lesser known Japanese developed exclusives, so piss off fagola

The only real problem I have with expanding what counts as retro is that these more popular recent games would knock off older more obscure games from the catalog

bruh doctor said I have to dilate TWICE as much this week. Sigh, I wanted to play doom vanilla..............

For what it's worth, not every equal unit of time represents equal amounts of change. 2000 to 2006 is a much bigger cultural jump than 2006 to 2012, and 2012 to 2018 is bigger than both put together in some ways.

For gaming, PS2/Xbox/Gamecube was the first generation where 3D gaming was out of the frontier and 2D home console gaming was a small minority. If you want to talk about games from before the modern 3D gaming era, that's a rational place to cut things off.

Yeah all 5 of them worth playing.

I just think its hilarious that the same people seething about 6th gen not being allowed on /vr/ are the ones getting mad at the zoomer bogeyman

>Everyone is self aware
Everything you said except for this is correct.

6th gen should be considered the last ever retro era.
7th gen marked the beginning of the HD era. Not only were consoles modernized for new display technology, they were also fully capable of general-purpose multimedia usage.

>6th gen should be considered the last ever retro era.
so just like the 5th is

>/vr/ = anything before the third millennium
At this point they should have a new new board /vo/ - Old Games, For anything in-between retro and current generation.

>Because it's HD it's different
Many series that continue on to this day got their start in the sixth generation.
The sixth gen was the first gen to adapt to 16:9 monitors as a whole.
The sixth gen was the first generation to have more 3D games than 2D games that weren't absolute jank.

i think you meant that everyone is NOT self aware


the argument is that retro is a fixed period of time that cant be changed. i completely agree, but i dont agree with where they stop calling things retro. i think 6th gen, going forward, will be the definite end of what retro vidya is. the 7th gen brought a lot of changes that define what modern vidya is, and while there were hints of it in the 6th gen, it wasnt massively popular yet. im talking about stuff like microtransactions, paid online, the rise of indies, graphics truly reaching near realism, drm, hd, the dominance of multiplatform games which brought many people to pc, the aim for the casual market with hardware gimmicks, and more.
it's just weird as hell to me that theres such a clear difference between the 6th and 7th gen, and that isnt the boundary between what's allowed for /vr/ discussion. id say that the 5th and 6th gen honestly had less differences than any other generation transition. a lot of 6th gen games still feel like ps1/n64/saturn games despite changes the 6th gen brought.
to me, games can really be divided into 3 eras so far, and the nintendo consoles make a perfect divider
every time i bring up this argument on /vr/ i get banned ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i guess it's just something that theyre really adamant on for not much reason, so i just stopped complaining and i just use the board to talk about romhacks and obscure ps1 games

And an 'Oh no no no' as well?

Pure Yas Forumsposting. Keep it on your containment board, you wojak spamming piece of shit.

ITT: seething zoomies


jrpg fans crying lol

Exactly. I bet you have a reddit account and think Yas Forums is for shitposting as well.

retards like you are why 6th gen will never be allowed

Becuase it's idiotic to group the Super Famicom and Gamecube together.

I love gothic, great game but not really retro