How many gaems have you played since the quarantine started?
How many gaems have you played since the quarantine started?
A lot
No more than usual.
Being a NEET I've had a headstart on the new status quo for over a decade.
A good amount but I'm going to have to work again soon
The same amount as usual since I've been a NEET for almost ten years now.
All of those nuggets are cold and they just taste like cardboard.
Less than normal. They're makue us overtime each day. It really sucks. I can't wait to quit this job. I know I should be happy to even be working but I can't stand my lazy black coworkers.
drumette is th e only correct answer
what's the difference?
one is a drumstick
the other is a flat
One, only SFV. And I have been progressing well but goddamn, I should play something else.
May I help myself to one of your nuggets?
Flat is more satisfying to get the meat off of.
not sure i follow
Here's the (You) that you wanted
a lot. but only finished like 2.
flatfags are just retards choosing less meat per capita in exchange for the status of "knowing how to eat flats" whatever the fuck that means apparently they think eating chicken is some esoteric dark magic
>not part of the hot mustard master race
Honestly mostly the same shit I have been and usually do, but I am also still working, so...
Thanks. I hope you die from this.
Not a single one.
I just shitpost here.
I just finished replaying GTA IV
They both fucking sucks ass and are half bone if not more. Boneless is the only way to eat this shit.
Pointing out bait posts isnt lethal, sorry to tell you faggot
dumb umuposters
None. I'm still making money nigger
From start to finish
>Warch_Dogs 2
>Mirror's Edge Catalyst
>Doom Eternal
>Prey 2017
And a fair bit of Magic the Gathering: Arena
Why is Redd it so much better of a place for actual discussion of video games? You fucking losers can't help but derail an on-topic thread about which video games you've been playing with stupid shit like hot wings.
Anyone that chooses 5 is literally a dog.
Legend of Grimrock 2
Steamworld Heist
Dont Escape Trilogy
some Indie RPG Maker Games
Have not finished one of them, but think Legend of Grimrock 2 wont be much longer. Have heard the last Boss battle sucks major balls tough.
a Mix of both with Chips on the Side.
>games beat
Doom Eternal
Jade Empire
>Games touched
Age of Empires 2
Doom 64
Batman Arkham city
Ape Escape 2
Wolfenstein Old Blood
Jazz JackRabbit
>Books read
cyber shogun revolution
>books reading
journey to the west
Requiem Vampire Knight
I am currently in a haze. I want something where it is fantasy mixed with scifi. Robots and aliens in castles.
>Xenosaga Episode 1
About to board the Song of Nephilim. 30 hours in and no end in sight. Got isos of the other episodes too so I'm good for JRPGs throughout this whole mess.