What are some comfy games like Stardew Valley?

What are some comfy games like Stardew Valley?

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why did u let your crops die

Reminder that Stardew is just a 1-to-1 copy of Harvest Moon's mechanics. Completely without creative merit.

Rune Factory 4 my dude

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gross negligence

I planted a fuckload of potatoes early on and the saeson ended anfuck n killdem

Rune Factory 5 is gonna be so good

I need RF5 right now so i can quit the island ghulag simulator for furries.

Yeah but does any of those are on PC, mod support community and on Steam at least?
I figured as much.
No wonder why the guy who made it got fucking rich.

Rune Factory wouldn't have gotten SV's popularity if it released on PC anyways because of the artstyle. SV's western look actually helped it a lot.

Market Shares + Advertising by fucklecish
>No other SoF games for years
>No competitors on steam store + PC platform
>Low cost and maintenace due to small team

Xseed it's doing well porting its JRPG to Steam and there are hundreds of those. Same with Neptune games.
Seeing there's almost no competition I'm sure the game woulda sold well.
The artsyle argument is retarded. It's not the 00' anymore. Everyone adapts to any artsyle now that almost each indie game has their own.

>Everyone adapts to any artsyle now that almost each indie game has their own
They really don't user. The game would have sold decently but still would have never reached what Stardew has.

Banished is quit a comfy game.

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it's a piss poor and cheap game.

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>Nips are fucking retarded and lost tons of money to a indie dev

wtf is this shit

Rune Factory 4

but i modded it to look anime

it is the high praised rune factory

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i have over 60 plus hours in it.

original harvest moon

animal crossing

magicians quest mysterious times
any professed Layton game
fantasy life
breath of the wild
hamtaro ham ham heartbreak
mega man legends
River King
animal crossing
viva phinata

based as fuck damn

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My time at portia

unironically farming simulator 19.

Rate my farm please. I'm a girl

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Pity it's abandoned and good for 8 hours at most.

Do holes really?

whats your email I want a girlfriend

Thats a freakin cool farm dude keep it up!

Graveyard Keeper

boring vanilla/10

0/100 absolutely disgusting kys tranny

>recommending weeb factory

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