I don't understand how to do anything in this game

I don't understand how to do anything in this game.
Can't pick locks, can't fight anyone, fail every speech check, all my armor is broken
How do i do this?

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it's a perfect example of: if i make everything too realistic it's not fun anymore

Just look up a guide on YouTube breh.

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I don't get it, the game has tutorials for these things

Stop being so retarded.

How the hell does anyone fail picking locks. Apparently it's notoriously difficult for anyone to grasp, but it's literally just keeping your cursor in the same relative position as the lock turns.

I read the tutorials, i understand what it wants me to do.
But i have no idea what's going on in combat. I keep getting clinched and they block every hit. And lock picking is just not possible, like it just can can't be done.

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>Can't pick locks

the easiest thing in the game

There's a reason you listen and read what's on the screen instead of skipping. You're everything that is wrong with modern gamers. Instant gratification

i wish there's a mod to put this game alchemy into skyrim

I don't know if it's easier with a mouse, but on console it's ridiculous.

Combat sucks, but when you get the "perfect block" its a bit easier. Train with the mustache guy outside Rattay untill you get it

Have you learned parrying from captain of the guard? After the tutorial you should learn combat skills from the guy. After you get delivered to the mill

But it is fun

This game is great Except the feminist dlc bullshit

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Same, also wish the combat system from Dark Messiah was in Skyrim

The combat in general is terrible, just play a stealth archer or you're going to have a bad time.

I played through DLC, what do you mean by that? The "witch" hanging? imho it's more realistic, like usually the Men, Henry in this case, saving the girl from herself

bro this game has one of the best lockpicking minigames ever. Sorry about your cerebral palsy

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>I want skyrim to be good
So does everyone.

6th time the charm, right?

I didn't play it because it was "a woman's lot" and its clearly pandering bullshit placing you as a female protagonist.
Tell me, do you fight men with a sword as a woman in the dlc?

Keep in mind that the character you play as, Henry, is supposed to be complete noob at pretty much everything

She's incredibly shit at combat, and you can pretty much only get by with speech, or stealth.

You play as Theresa, the one you save in the prologue. You can pick up the sword, but your health is tiny, can't parry. The quest is designed arround stealth. You need to sneak up and plunge the knife into cumans. You find her brother who has stab wounds and wait until you get rescued

This is true but I didn't like how you suck at armour and weapon repair despite being a blacksmith's son in his early 20's or whatever age Henry is supposed to be. Wouldn't this kid have been helping his father smith shit since he was like 15 years old? Younger maybe?

Based Yas Forums shitting on a game for a DLC it knows nothing about and only exists to fulfill a Kickstarter pledge.

To be fair, it looked like he spent his days fucking around and sleeping in, and basically just doing deliveries for his dad.

>lock picking is just not possible, like it just can can't be done.
I you are a true gaymer like me with ultra sensitive mouse, it can become quite hard. If you don't have a poorfag mouse, use the button to decrease sensitivity and it becomes trivial. Or use the mouse sensitivity in the game settings.
For combat, you suck big time at the start, like not being able to perform 75% of actions. Training up to level 10 is necessary.

realize that despite the dev's promise of a realistic combat game, they went the morrowind route of skills and stats determining whether or not you hit in realtime combat, and fucked up the ai so badly backpedaling with either a bow or a long weapon gives the easiest kills ever.

I'm on console

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Was gonna ask this, i heard lockpicking on controlers was really difficult, but i think they said they fixed it at some point. Google around lockpicking + controler.

That's the problem. Game designed for a mouse. If you're on Xbox, you can plug in the mouse and keyboard

Play with kb+m.
I can't imagine this type of game with a controller.

it's an old school game, little zoom. you'll just have to adapt to the game's difficulty.

It's fun.

or get a bow and snipe everyone because the sway is fake. put tape or something on the middle of your screen and become an mlg pro sniper in seconds

Yeah and it therefore tied in nicely with the RPG style of all your skills starting low or at zero, and it wouldn't be a good design decision to have his smithing related shit start at 40/100 and have say alchemy which a lot of players might prefer starting at 0/100 just because of an unalterable back story but it just really upset my autism.

>medieval peasant just got to drink beer and chill all day lol
I thought this shit was realistic

The sway isn't fake, if you enable the crosshair on PC, it moves everything.

Holy fuck I hated the sway, I've fired a bow and arrow a lot of times in my life and not even when I was a weak little boy was it anything close to how archery is portrayed in this game.

get bow
find target
wait a moment
fire again
realize the sway is fake