Fallout: New Vegas is Superior to Fallout 1 and 2

I was under the impression that this was self-evident, but it's become apparent that it bears reinstating.

>Variety and "Build" Potential.
For a game that touts itself as a roleplaying experience, the capacity by which you are allowed to build a unique character is stifled to the greatest extent. There are two(2) ways to navigate through Fallout 1's end-game. You can...
1) Sneak/speech check your way past every encounter.
2) Wear power armor and wield a plasma rifle / gatling laser / powerfist / etc.
Fallout 2 doesn't fare much better. Such objective and linear player scaling in terms of weapons AND armor negates any ability for the player to experiment with niche builds or playstyles and relegates the game to a typical action format as opposed to the RPG it markets itself as. This is severely detrimental in regards to stifling replayability and player agency. In contrast, there is an unfathomable amount of different builds that one can create in New Vegas as every combination of weapons/armor has the potential to be made into a viable end-game setup.

This ties in with the previous point. Half of the skills and stats in the classic games are comparatively useless (outdoorsman, trap) while others are borderline essential (big guns, energy weapons, etc). If you give your character any less than 4 or 5 agility, your entire playthrough will be gimped to the fullest extent and it will be a slog of savescumming to pass even mundane encounters. Why even make it an option if the developers obviously did not intend for you to do so? Contrast this again with New Vegas, where EVERY SINGLE PERK, skill and stat have a specific purpose and a practical effect on making each character unique and functionally differently, not just buffing percentages.


Attached: NV.jpg (1600x900, 268.82K)


>Roleplay Potential
New Vegas begins with a clean slate. All you know about your identity is that you at one point in time took up a job as a courier within the Mojave. Prior to that, it's entirely up to your imagination and willingness to roleplay to decide who you were before that. Compare this to the classic games where you are funneled into being a Vault Dweller and then an Arroyo Tribal. This is no more excusable than Bethesda forcing you to roleplay as an ex-military father-of-one in Fallout 4. This greatly limits the ability to build unique characters even more so than the restrictive "stat" system. New Vegas once again succeeds in this regard.

Not sure why this is going to be taken as an insult to some people. One should not be ashamed that New Vegas is superior to the classic games, one should instead rejoice in the fact that the development team had taken notice of the falterings of the series' predecessors and improved upon them in the newer title. Fallout 1 and 2 are cool, but New Vegas is fortunately a better game.

Attached: NV2.jpg (1280x720, 257.72K)


It crashes too much.

most games get shit PC ports

Not an argument

works fine on my machine

Based. I'm tired of people pretending that old isometric games are fun. At least Disco Elysium got rid of the horrid combat in those type of games.

only dumb old boomers love those games but they haven't played them in 20 years so what the fuck do they know

That's not even true. Most games play fine. F:NV is particularly bad.

Fallout 1 is possibly the most overrated RPG ever made. That I've seen it on lists here next to planescape or morrowind is absolutely fucking retarded.

>Most games play fine
Bro have you ever heard of Capcom?

i play on xbox and it crashes once in a blue moon. your PC must be garbo.

Bit tired of how overrated this game is. It has good dialogue. That’s literally it. Everything else is abysmal since it runs on the Bethesda engine and it definitely isn’t better than 1 or 2.

Feel free to refute any point made in the OP.

Attached: db.png (892x946, 1.25M)

I played it on 360. Couldn't finish the game. I had reached an impenetrable crash-wall that wouldn't allow me to progress ever.

I played Dead Rising 2 on pc. Worked fine. So did Dragon's Dogma.

Are you implying Morrowind isn’t the most overrated WRPG of all time?

I read your post in an old jew's voice.

absolutely based and factually correct

Attached: jXNyH1s7pNs.jpg (396x419, 64.88K)

Definitely. And I'll fucking fight you irl about it.

>unironically claiming either of those played well on release
>unironically claiming either of those play well even now after significant patching without mods to fix them
Jesus Christ

It might be, but it's also the only place to go for the experience it offers, so it will remain legendary.

Sounds like someone needs to GIT GUD

>Couldn't finish the game. I had reached an impenetrable crash-wall that wouldn't allow me to progress ever.
This actually happened to me on Fallout 1 just a week ago. Crashed every single time I tried to use the elevator in the cathedral basement to escape.

morrowind is the most broken ass game of all time and games that are so broken you can just press X to craft potion to win should never be contenders for GOAT even if they can be fun


They were notoriously bad ports, DR2 in particular

OP only listed three minor things New Vegas arguably does better (role play is much better in 1 and 2 though, no low int dialogue in NV for starters) while conveniently ignoring things that actually matter like overall gameplay, graphics, sound design, world building...

Yeah, well a pig in the snow is like wine down below. But only if the grapes are good.


>no low int dialogue in NV for starters
Confirmed retard

You can list things which are supposedly better but I can't consider them valid until you specifically explain how they're better.

Attached: Life.jpg (1089x712, 129.08K)

Nobody cares about your fuckin blog posts

Wow, there’s like 5 or 6 unique options with no impact on the game which you can watch in 5 minutes on youtube! So much like the originals!