No way FFVIIR part 2 will include everything from Kalm to Forgotten Capital

...which is why Red XIII (Cosmo Canyon), Cait Sith (Golden Saucer), Vincent (Nibelheim Mansion), Cid (Rocket Town) and Yuffie (Wutai) will be DLC.

After all, they did that for FFXV.

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You're absolutely right, but people will pretend DLC is fine too.

Yeah I can't see the Wutai sidequest somehow becoming integral to the plot considering how out of the way that place is.

I'm waiting for them to leave out Cid because "he's a womanizing racist" or something.

Cid has already been toned down a lot. In the original he treats Shera like dirt but in AC he's happily married to her and his airship is named after her. Plus he no longer smokes after FFVII.

He's neither of those though. He's an abusive boyfriend.

Another reason to wait until this whole mess is finished. With that in mind, the globe trotting quest for the big materia might be it's own games as well.

Part 1 being Midgar only was a narrative design choice, they wanted Midgar to be a huge and expanded part of the story.

The games can be as long or short as they want to make them, it's totally arbitrary.

Don't forget plot derailment.

Zack is around now and Aeris is definitely leaving the party because she is supposed to be playing 4D chess with Sephiroth as gods from the original timeline.

Turning Aeris into this larger than life figure pisses me off. Why can't she just be a girl with a tragic past who grew up in a shitty place because her parents were murdered?

cont: And yes I know that she is the last Cetra, but there were like a billion Cetra before her (including her mom) so why is she the one who is this goddess and none of the others were? For all we know, Cetra were just humans who had a deeper connection to the planet and that's it.

The name is AERITH

There is no such name as Aeris, stop being retarded cucks

To give a nemesis to Sephiroth of equal footing.

They are equals now and they are struggling to beat each other.

Pic related.

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Marlene DLC when? I want to play as a little girl.

You're being a fag. If you wanted the most close spelling to the Japanese Kanji, you would write Earith.

Besides, you also say Terra and not Tina, right?

Aeris is perfectly fine when you look at the original kanji. It is just as fine as Aerith. Square later saying that Aerith is the official spelling doesn't matter at all.

Totally unexplored idea.

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>Being dead made Aerith a goddess who could actively take control of the world's Lifestream to do whatever she likes.
Pure headcanon. All we know is that after her death, she turned into a soul that looked for holy and probably was the one who found and thus casted it. Cloud shortly seeing her when the lifestream appears doesn't mean that she is a goddess in control of it. It could just as well mean that he had that familiar feeling of her when the lifestream approached because she was part of it (alongisde trillions of other souls but her souls was the one he recognized because it has special importance to him).

- world map cut. game will have two hubs - gold saucer and wutai. you'll fast travel between other locations as the story requires

- story will diverge greatly from the get go. probably a 2-3 month timeskip between end of ep 1 and start of ep 2, justifying why you'll initially be in wutai at game start. you'll still visit most of the old towns but it'll be in a different sequence and the reasons for being there will be different

- aeris will mostly fade out of the story from a playable perspective. she won't die this time, but will be removed because she and sephiroth have "original timeline" memories and thus she'll have bigger fish to fry alone

- cloud, barret, red, tifa and cid playable. story will dictate who is in your party of three at any given time. cloud, barret and tifa will play similarly to ep 1. red will be more mage-focused to fill in for aeris. cid will be a hybrid.

- yuffie will be a "super npc," similar to the biggs/wedge/jessie role, and will be your chief go-between at the wutai hub, although she won't be introduced at the start and you'll meet her out in the world as a thief before she is revealed to be the princess of wutai (there will likely be some kimono waifu bait scene involved). cait will play a similar role at gold saucer. b/w/j will all be back.

- vincent will be a shadow the hedgehog "antagonist" who is fighting the bad guys "his own way." you'll fight him a few times, work together a few times, etc. not playable.

- roche the cringelord will be back. the turks will be further humanized.

- big reveal toward the end: neither jenova nor sephiroth is the true main villain, but a new villain will be. sephiroth is working toward defeating that villain, which is "heroic" in a sense, but for purely selfish reasons despite what he'll try to lead you to believe. spoiler for ep 3: sephiroth really is the true main villain, classic bait-and-switch, because you'll kill the new guy and sephiroth will be like "thanks now im god."

- they'll 100% confirm this is a parallel timeline created because aeris and sephiroth have knowledge of the original timeline due to cetra/jenova shenanigans. zack will appear at the very end, confirmed to be alive. possible party member in ep 3.

end predictions. let's see how i do in a couple years.

Midgar is one big location with lots of backtracking, how do you expect to put them 20+ in one game unless they're all FFXIII-style hallways or FFXV-style samey dungeons?

does aeris even have kanji associated with her name? i've only ever seen it rendered in katakana (エアリス), which is literally and indisputably earisu

I'm not sure. They seemed to be trying to draw Wutai back into the narrative already instead of it being a throw-away line like it was in the original.
Linking Avalanche with Wutai and all that jazz.

admit it,
you would pay top dollar for HER dlc

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this sounds so much like something Squeenix would do that it scares me to death.

>And yes I know that she is the last Cetra
It's heavily implied that Marlene is also a Cetra.

Yes and the "u" is often dropped when pronounced so "Aeris" is fine.

I can't believe you suckers are gonna wind up paying 300 dollars for a game that's been out since 1997, but it's been updated for the sensibilities of 2020.

I had a theory in another thread that due to Aerith casting Holy in the original game at the moment of her death she essentially became Gaia/the Lifestream and was able to work against Meteor/Jenova that way. She had to become the polar opposite to what Jenova was.
On top of that I feel that Jenova is a being that has far more power in this universe than is expanded on and probably has some time manipulation built into its being. So with meteor being stopped/absorbed by the lifestream Jenova and Aerith sort of mingled together and thus Aerith's essence, through time and space, has knowledge of the past and future now.
It's convoluted but that's all I got.

Kek I'll just pirate it on PC like I did for FFXV. No way I'm gonna pay that much.

it's literally not the same game at all. did you even play this game? people are mad because the big twist at the end is them confirming they are going to do whatever they want, and you, the player, kill the in-universe "god of being faithful to the original storyline" as part of an elaborate kingdomhearts battle sequence


I mean everyone saw coming from a mile away that they were going to put KH crap in this remake but holy shit they went far beyond what could have been still considered within the realm of sanity.

The Wutai side quest will be totally cut, boys. Wait for chapter Yuffie coming soon in 2030.

Enjoy your DLC chapter Zack instead.

I havent played FFVII in 15 years. Was the story that she aborted the rocket launch and he didnt get to go to space, so he treats her like shit because of that or sth?

I always found that story so ridiculous.

How to top the insanity of obseessed purist fans of the og? To make it even more insane. The time jannies represent those sicki fans who obsesses over it so of course you need to cut them down in epic face-off.

dude they will link it by her stealing your materia and make you go back to level 1

I think a lot of people get his bitterness mixed up with him being an asshole when the only "abusive" line he drops is "GET SOME GOD DAMN TEA!"
Essentially he was about ready to launch into space and something went wrong and the launch was going to go off faster than anyone expected, like it was launch time in 10 minutes but the countdown started a lot sooner. In either case it was found out that Shera did not make it out of the fueling area or some shit and was going to be incinerated. She wanted him to go on with it, to achieve his dream, but he aborted the launch instead and thus lost all funding and Shinra support.
He loves her, but also blames her, but then realizes somewhere that Shinra sabatoged the launch or some shit if I remember right.

>I had a theory in another thread that due to Aerith casting Holy in the original game at the moment of her death she essentially became Gaia/the Lifestream
Ok good for you but nothing in the game confirms this.

Remember that this is a game about coping with death and loss because Sakaguchi's mom died.

Also remember that it had this theme of spirit energy creating individual life and then after death merging with the big stream of spirit energy again (I think of it as like the tang from NGE). I think the game wants us to rise above our own particular point of view and take a perspective from which personal identity - the role an individual happens to occupy - is not all there is. It wants us to take a perspective that transcends inward-looking concerns and goes beyond the subjective; going from a personal outlook to a more universal standpoint - you could call it "the viewpoint of the planet". Turning Aeris into earth goddess ruins all that because then it's about a specific person (a personal goddess) again, rather than about this stream of consciousness we are all part of.

>On top of that I feel that Jenova is a being that has far more power in this universe than is expanded on and probably has some time manipulation built into its being. So with meteor being stopped/absorbed by the lifestream Jenova and Aerith sort of mingled together and thus Aerith's essence, through time and space, has knowledge of the past and future now.
Sounds like something they could be going for.

Forgot pic related.

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