Venus dmm update 3.3% heaven

venus dmm update 3.3% heaven

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.04.14 - (1920x1080, 3.31M)

also Nyo is the best girl

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_200323_070710.jpg (1920x1080, 337.8K)

From the new trendy suits Ayane's looks the best from the screenshots.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.04.14 - (1920x1080, 3.4M)

Every day until they add Tina.

Attached: 1551755544909.webm (960x540, 2.42M)

May 1st will be Tina day?

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.04.14 - (1920x1080, 3.99M)


Attached: 1586713017337.jpg (2160x3840, 2.15M)

10K and 4 tickets later nothing

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.04.14 - (1920x1080, 484.84K)

Did you stretch today?

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_200414_023233.jpg (3840x2160, 763.99K)

I love Kasumi!

Attached: Nerds.jpg (3840x2160, 1.23M)

doa6 has revieled some revival dlc schoolgirl outfit for her and no I have not...

How come Ayane has two banners this week and Kasumi has none?

Um, not really sure. Kasumi did get the prince suit for white day a couple weeks ago.

It's about time they added that pose from X3.

>these bums beating me on auto play

Attached: 1585798472467.jpg (600x594, 116.43K)

Attached: EUzsXctXYAAxEWI.jpg (1920x1080, 114.89K)

December 6th is her birthday but yes, May 1st should also be Tina day.

Attached: 1486122851798.jpg (1920x1080, 455.78K)

Is there anyway to play the DMM version outside of the browser

There's a desktop version(same as playing the Steam version) and a browser version.

Attached: EISm3DPW4AMSKrg.jpg orig.jpg (2160x3840, 695.58K)

damn girl you need a sheering

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.04.14 - (1920x1080, 3.11M)

Does anybody know when/how we're supposed to get our stuff for playing the AGA game?

Attached: アリス・ギア・アイギス Map.jpg (1920x1080, 557.12K)

Attached: DOAX_VV_2019-09-15_1.png (1920x1080, 3.63M)

Told you, my luck with Ayane is strong lately. Got her third roll.

Attached: ssr.jpg (1276x710, 280.53K)

Almond jello?

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.04.08 - (1920x1080, 3.06M)

How does that look wet?

Attached: TAKE IT OFF.jpg (434x344, 22.27K)

Attached: 102.jpg (1920x1080, 791.64K)

Gonna need a 2nd picture. I wanna roll for it but the 3.3% has the two girls I don't have.

>Fiona earrings
Finally, took their sweet time even though Steam got them a month ago. Also how nice of them to make my old school SSR for Leifang trendy, although it's probably going to insanely bloat the score this time, when everyone has trendies.

Anyone happen to have a link to this mod? I think I asked last week but I forgot to check if anyone answered

Attached: 1576918773290.jpg (1080x1920, 294.55K)

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_200414_155454.jpg (1920x1080, 246.9K)

hair mods are knight777 on loverslab forum check there

Very NICE!

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.03.30 - (1920x1080, 2.49M)

Rape Ayane!
Rape Ayane!
Rape Ayane!

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_200414_155723.jpg (1920x1080, 180.09K)

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_200414_155734.jpg (1920x1080, 168.86K)

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_200414_155841.jpg (1920x1080, 186.29K)

Uhoh, VV got Corona'd.

Attached: Corona'd.jpg (1920x1080, 302.02K)

Explain pls, I got that also.

Attached: Wut.png (912x793, 939.56K)

Anyone have a picture viewer that can preview dds files as thumbnail? I've been using irfanview but that can apparently not open the kind of compression used in the game.