He works at the café

>He works at the café
>Not doing the ultimate sewer treasure hunter strategy
Morgan is hot too

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Oh what treasure is in the sewers, I always avoid them because I'm instantly washed away and raped by a dirty sewer dweller.

>he doesnt sell his ass at the brothel for £5 a pop

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You can get upwards of 500 a day even while going to school.

>he scavenges the sewers
>not farming the lake after school and hanging out to lower stress.

Disgusting, you truly are Morgan's child

Yeah but Morgan can be hard to avoid. Is there a particular route I should be going to reliably hide from him?

>play as male
>set all characters to women
>even with the """"""premium""""""" mode it doesn't show the women, just looks like my character lying there
after that I just maxed out my physique and beat the shit out of everybody after getting surgery to give myself a giga cock
3/10 unless you like the idea of being raped and or are gay

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>he doesn't level up skullduggery and pickpocket people while being gang-raped

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Only 500? Got 3 golden chastity belts in the lake one day. Easy 6k.

Why did you play the game if you didn't like the idea of being raped or are gay?

>he doesn't work on the docks every week so he can provide financial support for the orphans in need

Absolutely disgusting.

Stop being a tranny and play as a boy and make Morgan a hot futa girl that nurses you.
Also a bunch of the sewer rooms have places you can hide if you're being hunted

Have fun being molested by eden
What premium mode?

this pandemic has got me so fucking bored
I've played every decent weg
please recommend a way for a nigga to get his nut off if he doesn't read nip

I meant to type "mod"

Based. I have a guilty pleasure of trying to break porn games with retarded characters like playing CoC as a proper RPG.

is it possible to beat the final boss on a pure/no seduction run?
I remember trying and failing at the minotaur I think

They cant hunt you while in water and you can easily leave forest with high history knowledge.

>starts robbing you
>rubs your cock with my feet
>positions mouth on your chest
>takes your money and then bites/kicks/punches you all at once
>fag is out in a single turn
nothin personnel lanky man

Not super big on femdom, don't like gayshit or yurishit, futa wore out itself novelty years ago, and cuntboys are pretty much pointless, so there's one option left for me
I don't go in the sewer often but I think I remember being left out in the open at inopportune times when just following the sewer map so I thought I'd ask.

Play translated eroge?

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Does money have a purpose besides clothes and food at the café

paying off the weekly orphan tax each sunday

Bribing police so they fuck off, paying Bailey if you don't feel like going through the combat/don't have the stats to do so yet, removing parasites at the hospital if you don't want the free option

got any recommendations?
I've exhausted everything I thought I'd be into
god I'm so lonely

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Anyone else having an issue where all the images are broken? Even the icons for the different locations aren't loading for me.

>got any recommendations?
>le epic wojack
you don't fucking deserve it, fuck off

Sengoku Rance and Kamidori Alchemy Meister if you want gameplay
Do You Have Akira Points? and 1Room Runaway Girl if you want a wholesome fap
The Imperial Gatekeeper if you want to play Papers, Please while you fap

>pic related
thanks, king

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how many times can cabin man coom before he's empty

Many, many times
I'm not sure he's ever empty to be honest

>Not willingly giving yourself to Eden and not need money at all
I just want more Eden content or at least a way to offer yourself to be her pet outright

How do I get rid of my mental illnesses in game? I want to be normal.

Lower that trauma
Playing vidya with Robin helps. Staying with Eden for a while will melt your trauma too but at the cost of racking up crime for not going to school.

Post your characters. Here's four of mine I based on political compass

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