Why is Digimon such a dead franchise while Pokemon is still relevant and chugging along quite nicely?
Fuck off.
the adventure reboot is pretty sick so far
It's not dead by any means: it continues to get merch, game releases, and new comics, anime seasons, etc.
It's also straight up one of the most successful IP's in history: Digimon has grossed more then Game of Thrones, Minecraft, Shrek, etc.
It only seems like a failure because it's closest point of comparsion is litterally THE biggest franchise of all time and is expotentially ahead of even the second place spot in popularity. It's like comparing Star Trek to Star Wars: Star Trek is still a notable brand, but compared to Star Wars it seems tiny.
Digimon originated as Virtual pets, it's Yas Forums.,
Nothing fucking happened
digimon just had a really bad first impression
english version of the anime was a trainwreck compared to pokemon (awful intro song, constantly adding in lame jokes inbetween the acutal lines so characters never shut up, angela goddamn annaconda and splicing together three movies to be as long as the pokemon movie)
games were a trainwreck compared to pokemon (original digimon world is kind of enjoyable in how deliberately bullshit and obtuse it is but the rest of the games are just generic B/C tier jrpgs with digimon, generic arena fighters with digimon, or actual pokemon ripoffs
you can argue that cyber sluts is better than modern pokemon or how tamers is the most kino kids anime of all time or whatever other thing, the bottom line is that pokemon just had a much better and more consistent start in the west than digimon so it sold way more due to how much bigger the western market is than japan
cyber sluts isn't better than normal pokemon.
At least pokemon has climax battles but cyber sleuth is hallway simulator
>omnimon episode 2
>doing war games again
Literally KANTOOOOOOOO the anime
If Cyber Sleuth is a hallway simulator, then Pokemon is literally the hallway.
christ on a mechanorimon, what are they doing? why do they keep doing this? where is hosoda? SOMEBODY BRING THE SISTER FUCKER BACK. I DON'T EVEN CARE ANYMORE, JUST GET HIM BACK ALREADY
Because collecting a huge menagerie appeals more broadly then just having one monster partner.
pokemon has a lot of varried designs, digimon generally follows the same lineup of
>some kind of gross ball
>some kind of weird little monster thing
>a humanoid with a dozen swords and guns and belts and armor
Stop talking about things you know nothing about.
I'd bet you that one has never appeared in a game.
Yes but this one did.
>lmao dude how can you just not be comparable to the #1 most profitable franchise on the fucking planet dude it's just that easy
friendly reminder there is NOTHING wrong with settling for a niche audience instead of being bottom feeding normie panderers
Digimon has never had a good game but digimon world 3 is the worst of the bunch.
Because they keep pushing shit tier JRPGs instead if continueing with the Virtual Pet simulators like Redigitized & Next Order
Bandai is terrible with understanding their audience. See: their attemots to push Gundam in America in the early 2000s
Dude, they brought up one of the most OP in-universe Digimon on episode 2.
Have a (You).
you've clearly never experienced the horror that is 4
why was the first game so hard?
DW3 is the best fight me faggot
I own it. 3 is worse.
How is 3 worse than 2 or 4?
Never played a Digimon game except for some crappy Smash Bros knockoff on GBA but I enjoyed Cyber Sluts and I'll go back and finish Hacker's Memory once I'm done fucking the shit out of VII Remake
the omnimon shilling is obnoxious, especially considering he's supposed to be a super fuckoff epic mon that shows up at the climax of an impossible fight.
If you just spam him at the start he loses all his impact
Because the game gave you incorrect information or no information at all and left you to discover how pretty much the entirety of it worked on your own by trial and error.
Establishing a ceiling early on isn't such a bad thing, unless you're incompetent like the Hero Academia guy
i know it's a weird question to ask, but those cybersleuth have a good story? I heard there are some translation errors and the game is a bit boring.
It's on sale on switch, so i was curious
>unless you're incompetent like the Hero Academia guy
That hasn't necessarily done anything wrong though, and we've seen potential of Shigaraki and Midoriya escalating much higher than the last 2 major points of power with All Might and AfO.
Story is average to OK by JRPG standards, anything not pertaining to the main characters in Hacker's Memory is boring as fuck though.
but in this case it's not just for ceiling sake, but for the fans. We've already seen omnimon, what's the point of investng in the series?
>Wonky EXP curve
>Constant Backtracking punctuated with the 2nd half of the game being a copy-paste of all the areas with a purple filter.
>The stupid underground sections with Digmon which is slow as hell and filled with random encounters.
>Bat shit plot
>The magic stat is completely outclassed by physical attacks.
because you (and everyone else) were impatient kids who thought a rookie was good enough to venture out into the world and do shit with instead of spam training it until it because a champion
source: everyone who gets PTSD from numemon
CS is terrible. Generic "chosen one out to save the world from ending" shit featuring a constant royal knight wankfest for the good latter half of the game.
HaMe is pretty good, even the filler content is better. You can tell they learned from the mistakes they did in CS.
>We've already seen omnimon, what's the point of investng in the series?
Watching cute monsters and kids have an adventure? Edgelords annoyed by Omegamon's early appearance are the same ones who have been watching Yu-Gi-Oh for 20 years and can name all 200 seasons of Super Sentai by title.
going from "wow digimon exist" to the highest level of power & dealing with an international crisis in the span of a day is not an adventure