Oh my god, I thought the "UWU CHAWOTTE" thing was a meme but she actually talks like this. Jesus Christ...

Oh my god, I thought the "UWU CHAWOTTE" thing was a meme but she actually talks like this. Jesus Christ, who thought this was a good idea?

Attached: Trials-of-Mana-Vid_11-26-19_Thumbnail.jpg (1280x720, 189.27K)

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I did, wetawd

what aw you gonna do abwout it?

Does the game have options for japanese voices? Or do the subtitles still have the uwu speak?

Dual audio, which I highly recommend given how mediocre the english voices are, but it doesn't fix Charlotte's text. Maybe people can edit it thanks to being UE4, but I don't count on it.

bwow me faggot nyoron~

Shut the fuck up wetarwd. Thewe is litewally nothing wwong with that.


This shit can be traced back to Chrono Cross. The person responsible is Richard Honeywood.
He started the whole "accents" in jrpg's thing. He needs a bullet.

bummer, kind of sad that games with dual audio don't have real support for subtitles and just go off of the localized script.

The man that ruined ni no kuni

Why is this bad?

So Yas Forums am I getting the Switch, PS4, or PC version?

Someone will do it I bet.

The character is like 15 years old but a half-elf and also treated like an autistic child as a result so this teenager is running around with the most obnoxious high-pitched voice mixed with a "so moe" speech impediment. The original japanese was just childish speak, primarily speaking in simplified hiragana / sentence structure. So the wetawd shit is english localizers thinking they're really fucking cute.

that's fun though
also should I get this? I've always loved seiken densetsu but the last remake sounded bad, and the original games, while amazing, are kind of clunky with my shitty modern patience level. have they done anything cool to update this one? not sure if i'll have time what with xenoblade remake

I'd rather just have honorifics and accurate jap cutesy speech like referring to oneself in the third person and slurring sh into ch
do you still see them clearly undressed when they get into bed?

Childish speak as in not understanding the language correctly or a low vocabulary?

Try the demo

She's most likely an ultra introvert and her speech impediment is psychological rather than biological (ie. clinically retarded).

Attached: 1566846345396.jpg (1200x1033, 101.57K)

He's probably right. If you understand Japanese the girl characters in cartoons are sometimes grating as shit. He's just replicating that.

PC shouldn't be that hard to edit, surely there's a way to unpack scripts...


All three and you'll do one run in each version.

>planning to go Angela/Duran/Riesz
>all the Charlotte shilling lately is making me lean towards Angela/Duran/Charlotte

>I'd rather just have honorifics
"We need to save Aaron-kun."
"You're right Jacqueline-senpai."

It is as I thought, it can’t be helped

that's a good idea!
will you be able to continue from it, though?

The accents in CC weren't as goddamn annoying.

Only exception so far is Judgment, where the loc team actually made two separate scripts. Madmen.

Not just replicating, but amplifying it, to the point of being really goddamn annoying to read. Since the game is voiced, it should leave the 'accent' to the VA and just leave the text alone. As soon as script tools are usable I'm going to edit the shit out of the wetard diawogue.

A little bit of column A, column B. She doesn't exactly speak complex sentences often, but she also oversimplifies them occasionally too and leaves words out, like a child who hasn't learned full sentences would.

wouldnt they be using their family names?

Yeah, you can.

Yeah, the demo is real short and unfortunately way too easy but your save data transfers to the final game so you can pick up where you left off.

switch, if you want sub 30fps
pc if you want 60+

Majima's accent and translation is incredibly unique and charming

People like to blame the translators, but that's basically how she talks in Japanese too, she speaks in a very infantile way.

It's not that serious.