What is this anime bullshit. Roche is cheesy as hell, every scene has Disney-tier comedic relief...

What is this anime bullshit. Roche is cheesy as hell, every scene has Disney-tier comedic relief, character actions don't make sense, characters perform overpowered, god-like stunts, writing is garbage.

Japan was a mistake.

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>japanese game is too japanese why doesnt it cater to my hollywood bleak sickdark pew pew shooty shooty taste :(

>Yas Forumsirgin complaining about anime bullshit
Am I hallucinating?

>every scene has Disney-tier comedic relief, character actions don't make sense, characters perform overpowered, god-like stunts

Yeah, it has all of the same kinda shit the original did.

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You should defo snap the disc in half and slice your throat
That'll show em

>Yeah, it has all of the same kinda shit the original did.
Prove it.

Cloud says let's mosey

>What is this anime bullshit.

Why do the new wave of zoomers on this cursed board always use the word "anime" as an adjective to describe anything Japanese they don't like?

no u

>Why is a SOLDIER, a person who can perform superhuman feats, performing superhuman feats????

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Threads like this are the best proof how so-called FF fans remember only 'Sephiroth bad, we must kill him' part from FF7 and forgot everything else. Why are you playing JRPGs? Serious question. Judging by your comments, it sure as hell isn't for the story.

Damn! Again! Stop sayin' it like a wimp! Can't you say 'Move out!' or somethin'?

Besides, I don't even know what is the original word Cloud used. Could have been a localization thing more than anything.
One scene in the original with comedic relief does not invalidate what OP said, nor does it support what the other guy said about the original.

Did you not play the original?

dude fuck off, i played ff7 in 1997 and probably six times times sent them (most recent run was last year, although admittedly using NT). it has nowhere near as much anime/kingdom hearts tier bullshit as this game. whether that's because of technical limitations or not is irrelevant

>forgetting snowboarding
>forgetting t posing sephiroth
>forgetting honey bee inn
>forgetting all the actual limit breaks you could do that we’re anime bullshit
You explain to me how a big giddy barmaid can fist fight a fucking mech and I’ll believe you’re arguing in good faith

>"every scene has Disney-tier comedic relief, character actions don't make sense, characters perform overpowered, god-like stunts, writing is garbage."
You realize the counter-argument to a universal statement ("every scene in the remake") is to show how in the remake, not every scene is Disney tier comic relief, right? "At least one scene in the remake is not". Not to show how, in the original, there is one scene that is comic relief.
"The original never had one Disney-tier comic relief" was never the OP's statement. His statement was "every scene in the remake has Disney-tier comic relief". And that's not even mentioning the rest of the sentence.

And you obvuously mashed X like crazy and skipped the conversation. It's not so easy now when you have voice actors and when you actually pay attention, am I right?

See Also the comic relief in the original wasn't Disney-tier.

imagine being this mad

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Oh, and to add up - the limit break anime bullshit were thanks to Story and Gameplay segregation. It segregated these parts well enough so your immersion wasn't ruined when a guy with a gun could threaten a protagonist.
FFVII:R doesn't know how to do it, so these DBZ characters being stopped by mundane shit become retarded.

Sounds like you’re still on chapter 4. Cherish it, because that is where the game peaks. Everything after is a gradual decline in quality.

Why do Americans hate joy and beauty so much?

Man fuck off video games are for weebs now. GTFO and pick up something new to get into you stupid weeb hating piece of shit.

Because they have no sense of romance. They’ve been deluded into thinking realism is a sign of maturity

>why isn't it realistic brown and bloom cawadoody shit
>it's not gonna get me laid with all the staceys like madden does you nerd!
>fun things are bad it's not serious enough!

yeah, I am surprised how nobody is complaining about the 5yr old tier dialogue
>*giggle* hey Cloud lets do the thing
>*giggle* omg that's so you
>*giggle* don't worry the guy will reward you
>*giggle* Impregnate my father Cloud!

Who fucking wrote this shit, every interaction is the same emo vs turboslut forced chemistry garbage

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>what is this disney bullshit"
>trusts the man behind Cringdom hearts to make a game in 2020
You literally answered yourself retard

>Beause they have no sense of romance.
So much "romance".

Roche is the only good thing added in the remake. He's fucking Poochying it up and I can't get enough.

It's fucking FUN my dude, many times I caught myself laughing at loud because the game doesn't take itself seriously which is great.

FF7 was always corny as fuck and they are true to this legacy. For once it's not ''muh gloomy dark gothic setting'' and I fucking love it for it. Didn't Square had it in them. Made me want to replay FF8, too.

Fuck you and your shit taste.

you're just a faggot you probably liked DMC5 too.

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