ITT: Games where the boss is several levels higher than you, but everything in the area is too low leveled to grind to his level in a reasonable amount of time.
ITT: Games where the boss is several levels higher than you...
I said to him "ICE got a BONE to PICK with YOU"
and then I cast bufu and he died lol
shout out to my nigga Jonathan I'm in love with you
Always glad to help a fellow
such is a samurai skill, my nigga
The very first level of borderlands 2, Captain Flynt is a punk to kill
I'm getting filtered because I made a dexfag Flynn and I only have one bufu demon right now...
Do minotaurs really have skull mouth nose? I mean if you take the skin off.
[reflects your bullets]
Never played SMT shit but goddam that is one of the best designed looking enemy I've seen from all the pictures posted here.
i'll end it thus
*Blocks your path*
>needing to grind in SMT
Use buffs, retard.
*Does a 360 and walks away*
Fuck that noise. Her and Beruga's security robot both.
>Tfw ended thus
That ain't the problem.
Buffs ain't helpin
>Buffs at minotaur
Get bufu on two of your guys, get a decent healing spell on someone else and hope you don’t roll Walter. You can do it, user.
dex is the best build in the game, you can still give him bufu and shit at that point of the game since you have no good gun skills available yet
Did you try buffs AND nerfs?
Walter being a tool in that fight turned me into a lawfag.
i had some, but this is a replay after i already know how the game works. not new game +, but i was fusing demons and shit autistically to get good early
You could at least have Sukukaja and Sukunda, I remember having them by the time I got to Minotaur my first playthough, but it also wasn't my first SMT game, I have Matador PTSD.
I am, but there always seems to be a turn where every attack of his hits and crits.
>He still thinks you need to grind in JRPGs
This with turn-based supposedly being no brainers is just hilarious. Just git gud already, OP. I know you can do it.
As the others said, get some bufu ready. The more you have, the easier the fight gets. Two or three bufu makes it almost trivial.
That makes sense, but it would take the tons of grinding for demons that I'm mentioning and other anons are saying I "don't need". I get so close some attempts, and then others the RNG just bumrushes me.
Smirk is the best thing to happen in the series and I wish the enemies could abuse it harder. By the nature of the party system we always end up being able to use it better.