How do you respond without sounding mad?

How do you respond without sounding mad?

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I said it first.

"Have sex"

I don't.

talking to opponents lmao

We both played bad

Add his girlfriend to your friends list.

If you respond you lose because you're giving them attention which is what they want

there is literally nothing you can do to counter ggez, the only way to win is to say it first

You don't respond. simple

you don't
but occasionally I'll say "ez like your dads boi pucci" Yeah, it's better to not say anything.

>"lmao so mad you don't even respond"

"Hey do you remember your first blowjob?"


i swear people who talk shit in online games are either fucking 12 years old or braindead. like you've gotta be stupid if that's how you get your jollies, there's no other answer.

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>sorry I was too busy being a janny on Yas Forums
They're awake.

Swat them duh

cry more


Shitposting has been around since at least Roman times, pussy bitch. Eat shit nigger faggot.

Report them. How do they respond to being banned without sounding mad?

Report them :)

GG hard

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dilate fag

Say it back

Surprisingly effective. Just keep repeating it and watch them get angrier and angrier.

GG next time use a condom you jerk

Report them so they get their money stolen

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Never happened and never will, I don't use voice/text chat. Also this is more a mainstream/popular garbage games thing

fuming so hard lmao ez

>ggwp sorry about that throw

become so fucking enraged that "lmao u mad" would not be able to properly encapsulate how mad I am; screech at them and tell them I'm going to murder everyone they love and then torture them and then heal them and then rape them and then heal them over and over and over again while sharting my pants

>said the guy that most probably spend a minimum of 6 hours a day shit talking everything and everyone on Yas Forums for his fix of 'for the lulz'

>he spends money on vidya games
They win regardless.

say it back or dont say anything

not bantz are fine but shitting on someone just for hell of it is gay. Like nobody cares nerd not mad btw :) also im trans

also I would call them a nigger

The only response is to already be in a party with a group of friends and be in a position to laugh the guy out of the server.

post feet faggot we could have a laugh haha