This is the greatest JRPG ever created...

This is the greatest JRPG ever created. It is easily 1000+ hours of amazing gameplay coupled with an excellent story and musical score.

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>It is easily 1000+ hours
How is that even possible?

I would agree, but 9 doesn’t have Tifa, which is kind of a deal breaker for me, sorry.

All the time it takes to grind out the best possible gear, all the Chocograph locations, all the cards for the Tetra Master card game, and grind all of your characters to level 99. Plus the Excalibur II speedrun challenge for once you've beat the game.

It's pretty damn good. Possibly the best of the PS1 trilogy, though it's close between 7 and 9

>missable items everywhere
>cryptic conditions needed to get them
Yeah no fag FUCK Final Fantasy "It takes 5 mins to load into a battle" IX

>wait 30 seconds then attack
>wait 30 seconds then attack
>wait 30 seconds, then cast a summon ability that has a 2 minute long animation and win the fight that was just a basic encounter
>walk 20 steps
>random encounter
Yeah. Nah.

The fact that the game requires you to have such an in-depth knowledge of it to do a perfect playthrough is the best part though. Theres so many small sidequests to do as Zidane and it really makes Gaia feel alive.
Also it takes more like 10 seconds to load in. I grinded all my characters from level 40 or so to level 99 by grinding Behemoths in Memoria and it only took about 16 hours.

just no

You're not really waiting 30 seconds to attack, plus the animations make it interesting to watch and you're grinding to get EXP.

i call bullshit. i actually just replayed this and my characters were in the high 70s by the time i rounded out at around 60 hours. i got all the chocographs and *most* of the tetra master cards since they dump a ton of the rare ones on you right at the end with all of those battle memory guys in memoria.

i cant imagine finishing the grind would take more than another dozen or so. and the speedrun is just that, a speedrun, so time played-wise you'd be done super quick as well.

I'd fuck the monkey.

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Yeah but theres also other obscure things you have to get like the King of Jump Rope, the S-Rank Treasure Hunter, 99 frogs to fight Quale, get Chocos beak to LVL 99, and to get all cards and to get them to the highest level.

play the remaster or play it on an emulator. both have cooked in trainers that let you fast forward the sim time so you can skip the long queues in and out of battle, or past atb loading if it's bugging you.

>The fact that the game requires you to have such an in-depth knowledge of it to do a perfect playthrough is the best part though
What for? Is this autism? Play the game once and be done with it, what the hell are you talking about

i got s-rank treasure hunter but i noped the hell out of the jump rope game and the frog game because i hate quina lol

why is the grip on his knife a penis

900 hours of grinding is not amazing gameplay. It is a masterpiece though

Because its fun to collect all the secret items in this game, and to play the mini-games. Playing as Zidane and running through the pre-rendered backgrounds is fun.

>plus the animations make it interesting to watch

Nope that's xv by far

Kefka from FF6
>i'm a magitek soldier oh wow now i'm wacky and mad
Ardyn from XV
>A healer of the people 2000 years ago and was the 1st chosen king, he took in the daemons but was rejected his ascension to the throne, and a jealos king banished him and demonized him into exile, Ardyn branded with immortality used that to plan for his revenge, one which would ammas 2000 years as part of the prophecy following the astral war, and so Ardyn used his daemons to create the Magitek by giving Niflheim the knowhow to make them, they used the Daemons to make Magitek and it is revealed that Ardyn was in fact a Lucis Caelum, Noctis's lineage, and so he casts his daemons around the world to shrowd it in darkness for 10 years while Noctis is readying to face him, he orchestrased the attack on Insomnia, turned Niflheim into Daemons and basically had full control of the Daemons too. His goal to rid the Crystal of power and end the royal line succeeded by Noctis having to kill himself to erase Ardyn which involved the Crystal being drained of all power into the ring and the ring itself being destroyed following Noctis and Ardyn's demise.

Ardyn alone has more depth than the entire FF6 "story".

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The Ark animation is amazing graphics for the time even if it is 2 minutes

Ardyn was a great villain. Too bad he was stuck in a bad game

To show what a fucking stud he is.

JRPG TB combat is time consuming, except Suikoden 2, I think Suikoden 2 combat is quite fast as long as there are no summoning.
WRPG RTwP is laborious. Pressing pause every few seconds.

>Ardyn alone has more depth than the entire FF6 "story".
A shame the combat has less depth than Mario.


>JRPG TB combat is time consuming
No it's not. It's just that FF, especially IX, does it terribly.
Compare it to SMT:if on the same console and see the absurd difference in speed.

it's ulillillia himself

>All the time it takes to grind out the best possible gear, all the Chocograph locations, all the cards for the Tetra Master card game, and grind all of your characters to level 99.
you can do all of that in less than 100 hours

The fuck are you talking about? FFXV has fantastic combat. You have attack combos with directional inputs on 15+ weapon types that are all unique, offering back flips, sidesteps, charges, self launches etc, you have aerial combos from different weapons, manual weapon switching, airsteps, aerial dodges, dodge roll, guard stance that consumes MP, shield blocks for proper timing based blocks that can stagger enemies, magic that is strong and useful but you should use sparingly, tech commands to make your other party members do specific thing through their own dedicated bar on top of character switching all with unique combat for each,jump, warp and warp strikes, parries and counters, link attacks and team attacks, etc.

There is more depth in just attacking alone in FFXV than there is in any turn based FF.
In FF1-10 inputting Attack, all that happens is one attack happens after you choose the command, and the damage is dealt based on your Attack stat - the enemies defense stat.

In XV you attack in real time with timing and movement factoring in first by moving in real time towards the enemy, your attack is in a combo with hitstun properties and hitboxes, with different abilities and with different range on over 15 weapon classes, swing speed, combo length etc, so not only do you factor in the stats and abilities of each different weapon you also factor in the timing of the combo with the swing speeds, the range, the traits of the weapon and more, and that plays into how you set up your loadout, enemies are always moving around so you factor in the enemies movement and speed too. There is objectively more depth in Attacking in XV than turn based FF has.

Pull your head out of your ass you nostalgia blinded fuck.

Attached: xvmyst1.webm (854x480, 2.95M)

Why have we been pushing ff9 so hard these past few days?
not that I don’t mind, it’s my favorite of the series

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I don't get the gushing for this game. It's perfectly solid, but it doesn't do anything remarkable and doesn't bring anything new to the series. It's the Dragon Quest of Final Fantasy.