
Jessie makes me want to have a gf so bad

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What a thot


She was pretty fucking enjoyable to be around for a thot then. If your average thot was like her nobody would even hate them.

I love Jessie and I want to see more of her in part 2.

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Your bro Wedge knows whats up.
Never trust Jessie. She's just playing around with you.

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t-thats fine

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Trust me when I say that never ends well.

>t. basement dweller
80% of thots are fun to be around, outgoing, and like to tease attractive autists
they’re fucking thots, social interaction is all they do, what the fuck do you think a thot is?

user. You cant turn a Ho into a house wife.

did she get pancaked again?

If a girl is that thirsty irl to the point where everything she says is sexual dont put your dick in it.
The only exception is if you're on holiday or some shit and you know you'll never see the girl again.

They're not really like that. They just sit there and wait for you to make their lives interesting.

Incels: "I hate 3D women!"

character acts like the average 3D slut

Incels: "I'm in love!"

worked for Ben Affleck

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>Hey user, let's date! PSYCH
Wow just like highschool

She wanted you to chase after her user. She was yours, all you had to do was stop her.

Yeah I dont think so

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>Jessie dies
>Wedge lives

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Reminds me of this

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I'm sure ABSTRACXX wrote his review right next to yours specifically hoping you'd notice him, SHROOMASTER.


Jessie is clingy as fuck. Trust me user, you don't want that in your life.


the 2 biggest nerds in this thread

>t. in love with a drawing

They are like that. Just not to you lmao

shiina sora

Get a new joke for fuck's sake.

Reminder that her voice actress is lesbian

>wasting those prime milkers on women

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