Best of both

>buy PS5
>pull out its SSD
>swap it with the one from my Xbox Series X™
>return PS5 to the store for a full refund

Attached: 1584827111056.png (500x319, 47.86K)

You can't pull out the games on it though

well no, you can't remove what does not exist.

>buy a PS1
>every good game costs 100-300円
>spend half the cost of the PS5 and get 100 of the best games

>buy pc parts
>build a pc
>feel good because i made something
>feel good because more exclusives
>feel good because im not a poorfag
>feel good because 240hz monitor and fps to match on most titles
>feel good because i can install shader mods to minecraft so it upscales to 4k and has reflections.
must feel like shit being a poorfag nomods console toddler

Okay cubicle monkey, enjoy your work station and spreadsheets I wanna enjoy games

>more exclusives
Like fucking what? Janky ass 15+ yr old games? Muh RTSs?


like mother fucking Big Rigs over the Road Racing! Best game of our generation!

epic greentext redditor, i gib you an upvote and 3 like points for your mom

yes, my work station, spreadsheets, video editing suite, dvd and music player home theater, online tv, software development... and video games too.

Oi pass us that spare controller, I'm plugging it in to my pc so I can play Ratchet and Clank on emulator.

cringe snoyboy seething that everyone will be doing this day 1.

You sit at a desk to watch TV?
>software development
Oh I get it, you’re an Indian living in a 500 square foot apartment in Bombay lmaoooo hey Pajeet tell your brother to stop calling my house for air duct cleaning

>>buy pc parts
>>build a pc
>>feel absolute terror every time you download something
>feel absolute terror whenever something unexpected happens
>feel searing rage when you can't fix the startup bug and the only thread you can find on it PMd u the fix ;)
>feel like crying and stamping when denuvo prevents you from pirating that epic new game you can't afford because mommy said you spent your GBP on your new LED cooling tower
>feel like not playing games because the only things on your platform are minecraft and assfaggots
must feel like shit being a Peasant Coper nogames windows manchild

>all pcs must be at a desk
conveniently skipping over home theater there are we poor little timmy?
>software development
no thats scam call centers get it right.

sorry couldn't hear you over archlinux running gpu passthrough to a windows VM exclusively to play windows only titles

>plugs in controller to pc
240 hz, 4k
feels good not being poor

Bought an iPad day one, who sits at a computer all day? I’m not a cubicle monkey, I shit post in bed or on the toilet.
I don’t think you need a controller for your Word document


>buying a product from apple

Attached: this is ur home.png (680x697, 377.55K)

doesnt the SSD have its own controller? have to pull that out as well

What’s the matter too poor for an iPad? Don’t worry Trudeau is giving everyone $2000 you can get rid of your Dell, it’s 2020 leave the workstations for the cubicle monkeys

im not too poor for an ipad, but i'm certainly not retarded enough. Why would you spend $2k on a glorified paperweight locked down to one app store that tracks your every move and spies on you, and receives updates that intentionally brick it so you are forced to buy a new one every 2 years? lmao just get a laptop and install linux.

I bet your hand is black and your bed is covered in PS4 games.

all SSDs have their own controllers, they're built into the units.

Attached: 1585339379022.png (780x600, 583.16K)

It doesn’t cost 2k
A laptop is double the cost of an iPad and lasts half as long, if you’re cheap you can make an iPad last 5 years a laptop will need to be replaced every year because windows gets viruses even thought it updates every single day
I don’t have a PS4, I’m white

based retard

Attached: 1572344209024.png (1024x341, 25.02K)

>a laptop lasts half as long as an ipad
what are you fucking retarded apple intentionally bricks older devices, laptops that are cared for correctly and dont use windows like a fucking cuck will last 10+ years. Hell I have a friend with a windows vista laptop that has outlasted every ipad I've ever seen.

you also seem to think windows is the only operating system in existence, please go to a school you seem to have lost some brain cells since the last time you failed to gasp for air.

I haven’t been in school for 10 years, we had macs in my school because I didnt go to suburban school full of foreigners

>we had macs in my school
>10 years ago
Ah this explains it. You are mistaking (current year) apple for actually good apple. Actually good apple died with Steve Jobs

Please educate yourself. NuApple is a corporate sleezebag of a company determined to milk every cent out of their customers. Windows is a shit OS but it isn't the only OS. Hell you can get Linux distros with desktop environments that look like windows if you are that afraid that things will look different.

PCs get viruses, yes. You know what else gets viruses? Any piece of hardware that can run third party software. You know what that includes? Apple products.

You know how you don't get viruses? You don't be a fucking imbecile and ignore the hundred different warnings that say HEY THIS MIGHT NOT BE TRUSTWORTHY DONT RUN THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

anyway you are fucking retarded dont @ me bye.

Nice spacing loser

Show us your setup w/ timestamp then, you larping poorfag.

Games? What are those? Are they some kind of SSD thing?
t. proud playstation owner

>buy PC parts
>pay someone at a store to assemble it for me
Feels better

Attached: f57.jpg (652x523, 157.02K)

>built a pc
>claim to not be poor but can't afford consoles too
Imagine only having a PC. I have a PC, switch, and a ps4. I can play anything I want and don't need to pretend that one is superior to the other.

Attached: 206[1].jpg (1280x751, 70.1K)

>work station
>plug a controller to the PC and plug the PC to a television
>sit on a sofa and game

>install a game