Why are you browsing Yas Forums instead of playing vidya?

Why are you browsing Yas Forums instead of playing vidya?

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I just played for a few hours, I'm goin to bed now

Someone give me a year and I'll play a game of my choice from that year

too depressed to touch TF2 after Soldier's VA passed away due to gookvirus

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I hate video games.

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Those are some nice fucking pixels
I'm not gaming because I want to make a YTPMV but I don't know what source to use for my song (cartoon or live action)

I just finished playing Persona 5 for like 9 hours

Gonna take my dogs out on a walk in a bit
I play the video game called "Outside"

Bored. Nothing really worth playing/went through my backlog already. I got Iceborne the other day but have barely touched it despite enjoying World and having 300 hours in it already. Game seems kinda dead now anyway, too.

I was playing FFIX on my PS1 but the disc keeps failing at the black mage village 20 hours into the game, so now I'm too angry to play video games.

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I'm doing both, game's not exactly demanding in attention.

Computer Othello
Diablo 2

Sounds like a fun combo, thanks lads

I just played vidya for several hours straight after been. Worked my 6th 12 hour shift in 7 days and can finally shit my pants and play vidya all day.

Im wasting time before going to bed

haha I want to pee in his mouth!

4 BC, to celebrate the birth of our Lord.

I an browsing Yas Forums and playing Dragon Quest V on pcsx2.

cuz im taking a shit

because i feel less guilty browsing Yas Forums instead of playing videogames when i know i havent homework i should be doing

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A. just got off smash ult. God I hate online cunts
>hur dur i made an public room, but i want to only play with my friends so i'll kill my room if anyone else joins
>it's another 'we three no skill faggots need to 3 v1 randoms so we feel tuff cuz we got ass whooped in other rooms/ranked' episode
>it's another 'team battle room, but we are pussy faggots so rig teams because we are shitters' episode
>it's another 'ten minute battle room where all you can do is taunt or get three manned' episode
Just play the game normal you faggots.
B. trying to learn splatter scope on splatoon2 is just suffering for me and need a break.
C. running into trouble with hacking my original switch (when i plug it into pc i don't get any option for its files/data on my file explorer/manager for some reason, even after getting to rcm)

You just hit the nail on the head for me user. Alright, I'm getting up. I'm going to better myself and accomplish the things I want to do.

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This For some reason shitposting and browsing infinite internet stimulus feels like less of a decisive commitment to time wasting.

I get mad playing the games I do. Knowing that they're fucked, and won't be getting better, updates won't fix them, sequels won't be good. And i'll never be able to play the good old games anymore.

I'm playing vidya right now
I just went to browse Yas Forums because I wanted to complain about how the devs forgot you have the option to play as a female protag so every NPC just refers to you as a he. These retards just called me son. Shit's whack.

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I'm doing both senpai

What game?

Soul Nomad
If anyone has any interest in playing it I would HIGHLY recommend turning off the battle animations, holy shit they are slow

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I have an exam in 30 mins. Can't start a game now

Played 12 hours of Nier Automata and one of Animal Crossing today. Don't want to go to sleep yet, but don't have anything else to do.