My name is Nomad. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not actually dead. Crysis 3 confirmed by survival...

My name is Nomad. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not actually dead. Crysis 3 confirmed by survival, and I was going to get my own story DLC and everything, but not enough people played Crysis 3.

Attached: 179921-nomad.jpg (300x450, 20.61K)

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>not enough people played Crysis 3
Maybe if EA didn't make it origin exclusive their sales could have gotten higher.

That is actually kind of a good point. Origin exclusivity basically removed the game from the general PC gaming consciousness. If it had been on Steam it would have sold a lot more copies back in 2013.

Crysis went to shit after 2 and 3. Reduced nanosuit options, even more generic regenerating health mechanic and linear level design with less interactability and no more armor stuff except those sad ifvs.

The power struggle mode felt like a better done version of battlefield. now its just bland pvp

So what would've happened to Nomad after getting supposedly killed off in one of the comics set before Crysis 2?

Maybe with Crysis 4 they'll go for the more hardcore playstyle of 1/warhead and have the player play as him with his gen 1 suit instead of the really simplified gen 2 suit

>The power struggle mode felt like a better done version of battlefield. now its just bland pvp
CryEngine's netcode couldn't handle power struggle properly, unfortunately. Any Crysis 4 really needs it to return. Maybe that SpacialOS company Crytek are teamed up with will have something to do with it.
>and linear level design with less interactability
This isn't entirely true. Crysis 2 and moreso 3 have very high levels of environmental interactivity and destruction. They're completely different to stuff like Ubisoft Far Cry and Call of Duty and the like. Pretty much everything can be picked up and thrown around. Explosions shatter objects into smaller pieces, some of which can be picked up. Also, Crysis 3 has some vast maps.

anyone remember crysis 3 online? man it was odd

>So what would've happened to Nomad after getting supposedly killed off in one of the comics set before Crysis 2?
CELL started hunting down the Nanosuit soldiers. That's how Psycho got caught and skinned of his suit. Nomad got away, and is on the run from an operative named Silverback who has been hunting him. Silverback is Lockhart's believed dead Nephew who supposedly died in the nanosuit program when something went wrong.

Attached: EP-cF6bU0AAOLqp.png (1120x756, 165.21K)

Crysis 3 MP never really had a chance to flourish due to the game's low initial sales, and also the fact 360/PS3 were riddled with cheaters by that point.

I actually had a lot of fun on the hunter mode or whatever it was called

Crysis facebook page is actually spinning up again and just made a post saying "INCOMING TRANSMISSION"

>linear level design
Still more open and player driven than 99% of other linear fps's. Crysis 2 is a better game than 1. One is half a good game, and the other half is the shit you complain is Crysis 2 and 3, just 10x worse.

The Twitter account has done the same thing. They updated their profile pictures and backgrounds on April 1st. The website has been showing a looped video of Nomad since April 1 as well.

Something has coming. I'm pretty sure some companies like Microsoft and Nvidia and so on are in on it because they were posting response tweets pretty much immediately.

Crysis 2 is a good game, but the vibe is wrong. The gung-ho military fetishism, the sluggish movement speed, and the piss-weak difficulty. If they remaster all the Crysis games, Crysis 2 and 3 need a difficulty rebalance.

>game about being a super soldier
>complains its easy

Crysis 2's AI is way too passive. The Ceph are especially flawed.

>Crysis 3 confirmed by survival
Where? If I recall correctly, didn't it confirm his death?

It isn't easy due to the suit. It's easy because the AI is absolute shit and the enemies are barely a threat. In fact, C2's suit also barely made you feel like a super soldier at all.

So what would Nomad do once he finds out one of his buddy's suit turned into friendly Terminator, drinking beer somewhere in the Philippines? What the fuck would this be all about, here I thought Crytek was busy with their other IPs.

No. You have to find all 38 data pads in Crysis 3, which unlocks this message. Nomad's death was in a Crysis 2 prequel comic which is almost certainly non-canon now.

Attached: Nomad.jpg (1024x577, 83.06K)

See The idea was that CELL's board retreated to their island Fortress, and Nomad and Prophet reunite to save the world. But they're being opposed by CELL's nanosuit warriors, including Silverback, who has been hunting Nomad for years.

>Nomad and Prophet reunite to save the world.
You know, that could actually be pretty cool. Make it co-op, and hopefully let us have really big open maps again.

A new Crysis would mean more technical upgrades to the suit. A shame that they abandoned the NK angle, would be nice to figure out if they could interface Korea's "pirated features" onto Ceph tech.

Crytek kinda conveniently forgot the bootleg nanosuit thing in the sequels. Also, I wish they had the balls to make China the antagonists. The ingame files all refer to the bad guys as Chinese, but they were redubbed with Korean voices later in development.

> not enough people played Crysis 3.
well, aside from its graphical achievements, crysis was never actually a good game...

The original Crysis is an FPS masterpiece with peerless gameplay.

>One is half a good game, and the other half is the shit you complain is Crysis 2 and 3, just 10x worse.
The shitty part of Crysis 1 lasts only a couple hours at the end of the game, plus there's an expansion that's better than the base game. It's not half the game, you liar.

Super soldier and difficulty are not mutually exclusive things, retard.

He is right that Crysis 2 is a far more consistent game than Crysis 1 quality-wise, but I prefer the experimental approach of Crysis 1 overall. I adore absolutely everything about the "cold" aesthetic, too.

>not enough people played Crysis 3
That's because they shit the bed since Crysis 2.
Crysis is one of the game that were super fun to toy and experiment with, the kind of game were you pop a quicksave, have fun with various stupid approach, such as wasting all your ammo going all gun blazing; going full CQC and throwing cars at the head of people, etc. before quickloading back to were you were and proceeding with a non-retarded approach if needed.

By removing both the manual save feature and by making the level design less open, the devs fucked up the two main selling point of the franchise. I'm not going to risk having fun with multiple approach if it means I have to roll back to the last motherfucking checkpoint that was 5 boring corridors ago each time I want to try something new.

Someone on Reddit noticed that "RECEIVING DATA" is one of the Nanosuit's onscreen prompts during the game's opening.

Attached: mghdb9r3nqs41.png (1255x677, 1M)

Far Cry didn't have quick saving, either.

Nice catch

But Crysis 1 had. That's partly what made it fun. What does Far Cry has anything to do here ? (Beside, Far Cry 2 had, which is generally speaking a good thing to have in Open World, other wise you end up with super awkward system were you never know where you're going to spawn back on reload. I'm looking at you, Homefront Revolution, without your pants-on-head retarded save system)

It's got a whole bunch of messages hidden in 1 and 2. It amazed me when I saw that the suit in 2 can keep rebooting outside of those cutscenes where Alcatraz flatlines.

You can experiment without quicksaves. I've done that in 1 and I never use quicksaves in those games.