Sorry guys, but I’m going to have to sit this one out!

>Sorry guys, but I’m going to have to sit this one out!

Attached: peppy face.jpg (480x360, 10.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What’s with all the Peppy memes today?

he's dead

His voice actor died to the WuFlu. Not even joking.

Voice actor passed away

RIP, Rick

And nothing of value was lost.

Where are you cunts hearing this shit? Googled it and nothing shows up.

Attached: 38CB742D-E7D9-4E58-9CAA-D5DFE9C7F71A.jpg (1536x520, 57.87K)

corona killed him, no kidding.


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May you be doing barrel rolls in the afterlife, my friend.

who the fuck listens to starfox in sub

i hope falco doesnt jack off.

I don’t know, playing the western version gives you the inferior experience because western voice actors are just people who failed to make it into Hollywood so they’re usually not very good, in Japan voice acting is an industry of its own that people specifically want to get into so they work much better. I can’t imagine importing the English version of the game, I listened to clips on YouTube and the voices sound awkward

>Instead just posting a link and saying the guy is dead the modern Yas Forumsirgins tries to be le epic meme topicthreadstarter
Fuck off.

Just say:
The voice behind Peppy died. He also did a shitload of other voices (Soldier in TF 2)

His IMDB doesn’t show any team fortress voices

Attached: gladium.jpg (366x562, 57.8K)

Fuck you, user. I don't mean that ironically.

Yes user, those reasons are why I exclusively played Japanese dub of Star Fox 64 when I was five.

Goddamn, I haven't seen a legitimate, honest-to-god weeaboo in years.

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I just play the originals, going to my local BookOff to pick up games is cheaper and easier than importing them from the west

>playing the western version gives you the inferior experience
>I can’t imagine importing the English version of the game, I listened to clips on YouTube
Opinion discarded.

Right, you live in Japan, sure you do.


I spend about a third of the year there, fiancée is Japanese came back home in January and now I’m stuck because of this stupid virus.
Yeah I cringe when I hear western voice actors as well

Dead by Coronavirus hasn't been confirmed. Stop trying to spread propaganda and mass hysteria.

Oh... Who i am kidding, you're probably an American.

From a voice actor friend of his [secondary source, but still]

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He’s still alive

According to the article he had a stroke and while recovering in the hospital, contracted COVID-19 which was the final nail in the coffin.
