Can you believe one man made this?

Can you believe one man made this?

Attached: 1586792135340m.jpg (1024x576, 83.08K)

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memes aside this is insanely impressive for a one manned job

Yes it looks like shit

I think a fair amount of the environmental assets are bought, and Castle Town is blatantly ripped from the 3DS version.
But he still had to implement all of it into the game itself. Even with all the jank, he's still put more work into this than the vast majority of Yas Forums will ever put into any dev project.

This. Show me another person who can do stuff liek this from scratch all by *himself*. I'll wait.

Stop pretending to be retarded.


Attached: mfw.png (500x580, 245.86K)

This is like the 5th time I've posed this question with no response: why are you all shitting on this? What is the big problem? And what the fuck have you done?

it looks clunky as fuck lmao

your the faggot who made this shit aren't you?

>Castle Town is blatantly ripped from the 3DS version.
most of the whole thing is ripped from the 3DS

he shills for this guy for $0/hr

>yo Yas Forums check this out! poorly made re-imagined type bullshit!

Why, Yes? hire this man



I kind of like what he did with the lost woods, it's still too big for what it is and TP did a better job than OoT did but I can't help but feel they could vastly improve on the concept if they tried just a little bit harder. I like what the guy did with the skull kids having their little campsite where they crash for the nights keeping each other company. Never saw nintendo do anything like that. I don't know how to feel about the mini boss from the Deku tree but that looked shitty. Not a bad idea just not well implemented.

If they remade the game like this I'd play it. I think its fucking great graphic style for the game. The lost woods part especially looked really awesome. If they remade the game like this, and then made a new one like this. 10/10

Wow, he made this completely orignal game all by himself? Impressive, so much better than all those time wasters just getting an already exisiting game and just upping the graphics

The actual reason is because Nintendo fanboys are furious over their beloved company being embarrassed by a one-man team doing it out of love.
If they actually valued Nintendo products, they'd support fan projects so Nintendo has motivation to improve

Damn he made a snapchat filter but for a video game hes so cool!



He basically went to 4 to 5 star restaurants for takeout/carryout and then went to his own restaurant, put it on a plate and selling it.

What's impressive about that?

No soul

>Las Aventuras del Duende José Luis y su Harmónica del Destino.

I unironically think Nintendo should make this guy CEO.

Attached: New Zelda--Lon Lon Ranch_1.webm (500x282, 2.85M)

It's usual nintenbro behaviour:
- They see their IP being used illegally
- They lash out on whoever is creating the project because they are hurting their masters
- When the Cease & Desist order hits, they celebrate and defend their master's decisions
I am not even exaggerating, this is what they do on Yas Forums (and pretty much anywhere else).