Persona 3 Remake

This is a pause screen concept I made.
Its based on the Burn my Dread opening and the Persona 3 part of the Persona Q opening.
The telephone wires in the background are from P3D.
In the far background is like if you could pause during a battle.
The cursor is the horizontal blue line. I would want the vertical blue line and the red lines to move on their own.
It's messy and I'm not that great with photoshop. Tell me what you think.

Attached: p3_remake_UI.png (1280x720, 1.03M)

opps fucked up a part.

Attached: p3_remake_UI_2.png (1280x720, 1.04M)

It's shit

It's P3FES tier, not bad, but it's shit compared to P5 menu



It honestly looks like shit. What's up with the text telling you the date and why doesn't it have a stroke contrasting against the background? It's painful to look at.
Why are you using the same art asset twice? Why is it so busy when it's clear the original UI was focused on clean colors and simple shapes, to the point it'd even scale perfectly and effortlessly to HD?
I don't get why'd you do this outside of boredom and in that case some criticism will probably help you in the long run, but really put some effort into developing an artistic sense because jesus christ man you're missing that pretty badly

Thanks for your post.
I really fucked up on the consistency of the text.
The same art twice thing it isn't actually the same art. The protag on the left is from the DLC of P5 Royal. The far background is supposed to be the game paused, like if the pause screen was transparent. I was hoping the buttons around him would help convey that. Couldn't find an HD version of him from behind.

This was meant to be a reply to you.
Do you suggest a white stroke or an outer glow to the text?
Should all of the text be the same color, if so all grey or all white?

I'll make the background not transparent.

Attached: p3moon.png (1043x587, 571.22K)


Attached: p3_remake_UI_3.png (1280x720, 814.46K)

Why though? P3 still plays great. I'd want them to remake the P2s.

If they remade p2 it would be butchered of its original intent. Social links and the calandar system wouldent fit the game not to mention the main character isnt suppose to be a self insert but someone who does have regrets, dreams and a personality. It would make the new persona fans quite mad that they arent pampered up and would make the og fans mad for trampaling on its story

Its alright, nothing mind blowing.

Keep making things like these though, you never know what you might learn or make.

P3's cover font isn't really meant for much more than what it displays on the cover, it's a lot of strain on the eyes. The rest of this looks promising, though

>making this bait thread just so you could show off your shitty photoshop skills

Your design is disgustingly terrible and you're a faggot of the highest caliber

Attached: 1586229017873.jpg (122x125, 1.94K)

Attached: p3_UI_remake.jpg (3840x2160, 502.71K)

Can we have SMTV and Persona 6 instead?

not for 10 years

god i miss him every day

make your own then nigger faggot

Looks like P3 done like P5
I actually like it but I can see why others don't.
Like P5

Why would they remake the worst selling Personas?

How about this but with the moon expanded longer and the text on the moon.

Attached: p3m.png (889x511, 560.05K)

Are they ever going to finish re fantasy?

I don't want to or need to make one of my own because the game is fine as is you turbovirgin

ok make a Persona 6 one

This. With a green color scheme.

Why would they remake Persona 3 before Persona 1 or 2?

Because nobody ever played P1 or P2
Like what even are they? 8-bit Nintendo games? LMAO

because those games are so shit even a remake won't save them.

Honestly I grew to hate P5s menu and UI after I actually played it.
It looked crazy in the first trailers but it becomes exhausting having so much shit animating.
The same with the text boxes that never stop wriggling. Every time I notice it's like manually blinking or some shit and I can't stop looking at it.

Because Persona 3 has fans

Sounds like a PERSONAl problem
also you're autistic

The only thing I think it's missing is the currently equipped persona and HP/SP levels (also the good feeling good/great/sick graphic for that mechanic that probably won't come back even though I actually liked it as a concept).
It was the one thing that really stood out for me when I looked at the old main menu, that you could immediately tell if the MC needed to swap personas just by going to the main menu or if he needed healing etc.

I think it looks better than some others I have seen, but it still has a (very) faint "Mod for Persona 5" vibe, with the transparent background giving the impression that it doesn't just "open a menu" and instead tries to organically "unfold" if that makes sense.
I still think that the "menu overlay on both sides of the character" for combat was something that only P5 gets away with, but that's really the subject.

I like the look and structure a lot though (it far beats anything I could put together in... wasn't this thread just last night?), could maybe use more yellow? P3 used it subtly in most menus and graphics if I remember correctly.

Autism level criticism that you probably can't help: MC graphic should have his headphones on, unless the implication is that this is an end-game menu.

>they just take the P5 menu and make it blue

DIdn't play P3D but the stills I see really bothered me. I know it's not on PS2 anymore but it doesn't have to literally be P5 colorswapped.

Attached: Persona3_DancinginMoonlight_20181126210535.jpg (1920x1080, 337.39K)