Headphone thread

What are the audiophiles of Yas Forums wearing?

Pic related, just bought these Philips SHP9500 puppies. Thank god Amazon deems them essential.

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I'm still using my AT-M50x from 6 years ago

Have t50 mk3 Argons, do 1990s and Denon 9200s. Looking at getting either focal stellias or lcd x’s

DT990 pro 250 ohm
comfy as fuck

I've got some bluetooth headphones and I regret it every week they run out of battery.

Audeze LCD-2 (first production run). or Audeze LCD-4.


hd650, also might get airpod pros soon

fidelios x2hr

>normally $90
whats the catch that seems way too cheap to be good

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for me, it's the direct shp9500 upgrade.

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Very cool to see some fellow users of this pair.

Same, but got the BT ones, and i'm using Sony MDR-X10.

I won't call myself an audiophile but I use my Hifiman Sundara headphones for pretty much everything I do indoors. I don't have dedicated "gaming" headphones.

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Any good JBL headphones? I got a 50% discount in any product from their line of products. Looking for opinions

I bought them as soon as the quarantine happened. I also literally upgraded from the ships. Very, very happy with them. I fucking love Philips.

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No, buy some speakers instead. I have studio 230s and they are fucking amazing. 305p is what you want if you don't want a separate amp.

>I have those headphones

Based user. 2 years old now and they still hold up like new. Got mine with the v Moda mic and it's great. Hope you enjoy yours.

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Nice, I use the vmoda mic with my ships and now I use it with my X2HRs

I have a pair of these and upgraded to some Sennheiser HD599SE’s

based autismanon needing to listen to ultracompressed bing bing wahoo noises in HQ


I have them, they're comfy with nice sound quality but their major downside is they leak sound like a motherfucker. Don't get them if you value privacy.

Audio-Technica ATH-AD900X

>Watch porn


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5 years and counting

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>Watching porn in your living room

what is a good pair of closed headphones for general use? looking for detachable cables, flat-ish response and low impedance so i can use it on phones and consoles
I currently have these and i shitched the cable for a mic one but they're starting to fall apart

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There's one thing you need to be aware of.



Avoid the 9500S. Sometimes sellers will try to trick you and ship you the 9500S instead of the original ones. The drivers are different and the metal clips on the sides aren't made of plastic.

Philips Fidelio X2HR
I only have Realtek mobo audio so it works fine. I don't know if higher impedance cans will even work on my system.

ATH M40x

>tfw know fuck all about audiophile shit just really like headphones
I don't know why

>Watching porn with open backed headphones

>not using pure audible sex
it's like you hate yourself

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They were below 50 before. You guys are fucked now.

>40% of this thread is ships
>Other 40% is X2HR
my fucking niggers

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Kill yourself stax shill.

I only wear headphones when I'm out walking, and for me it's porta pros

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I love my X2s. I want to upgrade, was thinking sundaras but I'm not sure.

Bought this a while back and been happy with it since.

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>Running Phillips X2s on REALTEK MOBO AUDIO

>works FINE
holy shit user I'm so damn mad right now. Get an AMP DAC HOLY FUKC SHIT You don't know what you're missing out on. It's not just higher volume it's giving power so your headphones can be driven properly and play the notes right.

how do you guys clean the ear pads? my sister uses my pair and her hair is always stuck on it after she showers

How much of a meme is dedicated audio equipment

>owned by chinks
yeah i don't need corona injected into my ears

I sense mischief in this post

the syba sonic is alright for something under $50

Based, bought mine 3 years ago and it's still as good as new.

It's only a meme if you don't have the headphones to take advantage of the equipment.

Once you take the plunge you'll have to force yourself to stop. Good audio is wonderful.

There is no upgrade unless you're going for stax. X2 is endgame tier.

Using these until a really good deal on something nicer pops up.

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>tfw wearing headphones gives me massive migraines within minutes and are basically unusable

Seriously, anything touching my ears sets if off (even glasses, or even the hem of caps if they touch my ears). Shit sucks

So those of you with X2s I've heard there's new X2s out there. Are they the same?

Still rocking these bad boys for almost 6 years now

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>What are the audiophiles of Yas Forums wearing?

We're not wearing anything. We're using mid to high end passive bookshelf 2.0 systems.

So generally speaking, what brands are worth paying attention to?

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Can someone rec me a desktop amp that can pull double duty for speakers and headphones, operate through USB, AND have the headphone output double as mic input???

these are great headphones, they last forever.

I have speakers, I don't need treble machine guns on my ears

Yes the X2HR is actually a little better than the original X2.
Not for gaming. I don't game on my tv; it's only 60hz and latency is too high.

If your headphones aren't right out of an 80's JC Penny ad, why even live?

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Audio Technica

HRs are literally X2s. No difference.

Sennheiser and Beyerdynamic for cans, I like Shure for in-ear.