>Rick May, a voice actor best known to PC gamers for his portrayal of the gruff-talking Soldier in Team Fortress 2, has died after contracting COVID-19.
Rick May, voice actor of Soldier and Peppy Hare has passed away.
Post about your favorite TF2 or Star Fox moments. Rest in peace.
The US asked for this outbreak >Its late response >The shifts in responsibilty >The defiance of conspiracy theorists Blame China all you want, you KNEW they were bugmen from the start Rick would be alive today if it wasn't for his retarded government and its retarded citizens
Based Japan, but it will hardly stop the Chinks If anything, they'll isolate the Japs even more through trade And the US presient looks like a corncob Let's not pull straws here Trump claims he was called racist Racebaiting is common among the the administraion
Hudson Cooper
he posted on tf2g so you can ask him there
Grayson Martinez
This is it. They stepped further away from the limit. China: this is war. WWIII has begun, fuckers.
Sebastian Sanchez
i'm not going to lose sleep over this but it's going to be weird knowing such an iconic voice actor is gone
Leo Russell
t. Merasmus
Daniel Clark
not the user who did it but i'm pretty sure this is the final version he posted it in another thread but it got archived before i could bump it