Why was it so fucking good?

Attached: FarCry3.jpg (1920x1080, 580K)

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It's a good Rambo simulator
Actually it's the only reason I play Far Cry games

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today I will remind them

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It wasn't. You're thinking of Far Cry 1.

The island setting was great. Game looked fantastic when it came out, ost was phenomenal.


Attached: FarCry5-2018-03-26-23-30-18-701.jpg (3840x2160, 3.59M)


Great setting, good twist, good shooting

Far Cry 1 levels were big and detailed, but they were exactly that: levels. Far Cry 3 had two entire islands.

Any else get the feeling that Far Cry 3 was a stealth remake of Far Cry 1? Minus the mutants, at least.
>Same setting, right down to the Japanese leftovers from WW2
>You mostly fight pirates, but you do end up fighting high-end mercenaries on the 2nd island, just like Far Cry 1
>Grant even looks like Jack Carver, the protagonist from Far Cry 1. Maybe Ubisoft was being cheeky when they killed him off so early?

my man

Looks good, took them long enough I guess.

It's not the absolute size of the level that matters, it's the area around player which is loaded. Otherwise Daggerfall would be impossible.

They were inspired by FC1 setting, yeah. Guess they wanted to go back to the roots after FC2 wasn't received so well.

It wasn't? I swore people sucked the writing off and the fire physics.

I think this is being a bit dishonest. I have both games on PC and run them on max settings. Far Cry 1 looks gorgeous, but I still think Far Cry 3 graphically outperforms Far Cry 1.

Critics loved it. Players didn't. It only seems better received now because of the Crowbcat video comparing FC2 to FC5.

FC3 looks better obviously (and was pretty well optimised for its time), however it does have a horrible draw distance.

Setting predictions for 6? I'm leaning towards either South America or Eastern Europe.

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Somewhere in the Middle East. You'll be a PMC who gets screwed over by your colleagues and left for dead in some war-torn country. The game is you trying to find some way to the fuck out of dodge.

Attached: charliedon'tsurf.jpg (600x280, 66.87K)

Better yet, slav land. Cheeki and Breeki, seeing ethnic cleansings, gotta choose sides of a shitty conflicts. Finding casette tapes or CDs of bootleg music.

It had some flaws but it was the best


They kind of tried South America with Ghost Recon Wildlands.
My bet is back-to-Africa. Maybe playing as an African-American protag who gets in way over their head.
Mexico seems to be the easiest (if cheap) option. Another awesome idea would be inner-city going full Escape From [City] mode.

why is that knife floating?

Attached: Crysis vs Far Cry 3.jpg (650x815, 171.39K)

Well that just isn't fair, is it?

Because the MC was somewhat like-able. The trip from two-bit adrenaline junkie to Rambo was pretty awesome to see.

this game was so much fun. the story missions were a massive pain in the ass but exploration and outpost liberations were fantastic
and yes it's a bit of a normalfag moment but that one flamethrower mission that plays the skrillex song got me hyped as shit

>Why was it so fucking good?
>unironically liking 'skyrim with guns'
>unironically liking 'skrillex with wubs'

because it was before the formula got stale

dude, holy shit relax.

Godtier soundtrack

>comparing cryengine to anything