>buy ff7r
>play first chapter
>get to first meeting with aerith
>sephiroth, time jannies, etc, everywhere ruining the entire scene
>wtf have they done
>turn off PS4
>turn on switch
>buy og ff7
Why did they have to ruin ff7 bros?
Buy ff7r
You could have bought og ff7 on PS4 too op
og ff7 is on ps4 as well so why didnt you just buy it there instead of switch?
just easier to play it in bed where I'm currently mourning what they have done
>Why did they have to ruin ff7 bros?
Because no one stopped Nomura's Kingdom Hearts Autism.
shills had me thinking they only fucked up the end when sephiroth first words are basically "YOU CANT SAVE HER BRO GET FUCKED LMAO". what a fucking travesty
lmao, get fucked movie game nigger
Thats fair. I actually have it on ps4 and switch as I prefer playing it in bed like you said
>Being mad at the somewhat intriguing changes to the story when the actual gameplay easily makes this the single WORST video game ever created since that Superman game on the N64
And no, I'm not talking about the combat.
This game can be summed up as padding and filler.
They took 5-minute "dungeons" and turned them into hour-long FF13 hallways. Even worse, they inserted all new "dungeons" (hour-long FF13 hallways) in between the original's story beats where the original game had the sense to just move to the next scene without any bullshit.
I lost track of how many times I groaned as I saw another bullshit hallway or shitty scripted boss fight coming to pad out the playtime. There is just so much little garbage filler shit here that ruins the game entirely.
Sidequests do little to break up the monotony--in fact, they amplify it. The are the most uninteresting and soulless MMO quests you can imagine. Barely even worth mentioning. At some point, I just gave up on taking sidequests because I knew they were never going to be worth the time.
This game does not respect your time. This isn't Final Fantasy 7. This is Final Fantasy 13 loosely based on Final Fantasy 7. And it somehow managed to be worse than FF13. This is literally the worst game I have ever played in my life. This flaming pile of trash is a crime against humanity and I will never forgive Square Enix for tricking me into buying it.
I literally bought it to enjoy the story I even put it on easy. I thought it was just exaggerated shitposting about how they ruined everything but it's worse than I thought. like sephiroth is literally hand on aerith shoulder the first time you meet wtf?!
SE seems to have resurrected a lot of mistakes from previous installments; they seemed really close to getting things right after FFXV.
I thought it was cool, this would have made a great spin-off movie. Better than Advent Children and Spirits within, anyways. The game is a fucking chore though
This isn't even a game. It's the shittiest faggiest movie-game ever created.
I usually ff7 on my PSP
and I like it
>time jannies
Oh, so you just had no idea what was going on and parroted a kotaku review for the game huh?
Fuck you, retard
>I'm too dumb to grasp what happened in the first game and I don't know that alot of what cloud is seeing is hallucinations induced by being too close to sephiroth or a piece of jenova
go fuck yourself retard
STFU shill time jannies are only entertaining to literal retards
FF7R is not for the ones who played the original, but for the new generation who haven't played it. Sadly, this is a reality and nothing will change that, so you have the option to skip it altogether and laugh with us about the aberration it became, or suck it and play it because of nostalgia, even if the contents aren't the same.
the problem is I do know what was going on, and it's fucking retarded
I am so fucking sick of you shitposters.
the nostalgia factor just makes it that much more twisted and cruel
>they ruined the original game
>didn't have the original game, had to buy it
Something doesn't add up here you faggot.
>t. Square Enix defense force
>they literally ruin ff7
this isn't a joke you fucking shill. they killed the franchise
I haven't played it in 15 years probably. but even I remember it wasn't this fucking retarded
>FF7R is not for the ones who played the original
>flashbacks to the original game constantly
>end sequence makes no sense if you didn't play original
>only people who played the original and know the lore well know what the green flashes cloud experiences are
yeah whatever you say retard, sorry we didn't get a carbon copy of the original.
>nostalgia, even if the contents aren't the same
This rings especially true because none of the areas even remotely resemble locations in the original game. Playing RE2 remake was kind of cool because there were multiple times when I was like, "that's the same room. that's the same fucking room as the original." No such locations here. All unmemorable, soulless "reimaginings."
The original came out in 1997 you retard. He probably had an original physical copy at one time and traded it in to get new shit. Probably doesn't have the console anymore either. Which is known to happen over the course of 23 fucking years.
I'm so glad I cancelled my preorder
>omg they changed it!!
>the whispers are time jannies
Oh, so you're a retard then?
>1997 was 23 years ago
Genuinely my GOTY even though it has dumb shit in the story. The gameplay itself is pretty good. It's like the opposite of RDR2: shit story, stellar gameplay
>My entire life was centered around this old piece of entertainment media!
If you feel seriously affected by something new being made not to your liking (that does not alter the old version), then you should seriously consider seeking help. It is not natural for you to feel bad about a videogame being not what you hoped it would be.
You are literally a time jannie
thanks for the defense user but no need to worry. just shills trying to delegitimize any criticism of this abomination
>personafag is telling people not to obsess over media
>You actually feel bad when something you love is destroyed in front of you?! LOL seek help!
the whispers are time jannies. what's your fucking point retard?
I don't know what timeline you live in where they actually included fun gameplay with this remake but I want to come over to your timeline. Combat's fine but the game-loop it's framed in is fucking trash
>time jannie
There's that fucking comparison again, fuck off kotaku. There was no fucking time travel in the game WHATSOEVER. Not by sephiroth, not by the whispers, not by ANYBODY.
I dunno what the fuck about "enforcers of destiny" says "time travel" to you retards, but please fucking learn to read.
I approve of them making something different. The same game with better graphics sounds awful. What's the point?
What I don't approve of is them making something bad. FF7R is bad. It's basically all that's wrong with modern SE, and Nomura in particular, with none of the goodness that the old games and Sakaguchi used to bring to the table
I wanted a fresh take on FF7 and instead I got an interactive version of Advent Children.
>traded in FF7
The "used game" scourge didn't begin until well into the 2000's, so this is unlikely outside a select group of retards.
>15 year old nostalgia is enough to go on
Purists mad. Zack chads get in here
The one where I've only had the game for 3 days but already have 30 hours logged. Sorry faggot, you're not gonna change my mind.
I'm not here to try and change your mind, you defensive little faggot. Probably a shill judging by how mad you're getting.
>Yas Forums still seething that their tortanic failed yet again and it's a critical and financial success
How was "something you love" destroyed? Can you no longer play the original? Did someone come into your house and break your PS1 disk?
To be fair, they have more than one name around here.
>Changebad Ghosts
>Time Ghosts
>Nomura Ghosts
>Editor Ghosts
>Time Jannies
>They Do It For Free Spirits
>Final Jannies
>Divergence Deleters
>But You Must Boogeymen
>Quicksave Spirits
>Savescum Spooks
>Authority Apparitions
>Canon Cocos
>Fixing Fantasmas
>Reparation Apparitions
>Righting Wraiths
>Timecop Ghosts
>Reversion Revenants
>Retcon Revenants
>Hotpocket Hoodies
>Plot Protectors
>Nostaglia Fairies
>Plot Pockets
>History Niggas
>Switcharoo Spectres
>Lore Jannies
>Demake Dementors
>Ghost Writers
>Undo Undead
>Script Specters
>Canon Caspers
>Undo Spooks
>G-man Interns
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the game isn't a carbon copy remake wahhhhhhhhhhh
cry more you little bitch, I take great pleasure knowing that you insufferable little ff7 purists don't like this version.
Does the switch version have the w-item glitch?
>but for the new generation who haven't played it
No it isn't you braindead nigger. It's the whole point of creating a "REMAKE" in the first place, otherwise just call it a brand new game with a different name.
You're the one that's getting mad.
>breaking causality isn't time travel
found the retard
this lol who the fuck likes this trash? people who hate video games? this is like the move-game to end all movie-games. there is zero content in this game that can be considered "fun" unless it's said in the sentence "I had fun watching the cutscenes"
You don't even play games, you fucking faggot you just want to watch movies. Go watch a new Avengers movie and stop ruining highly anticipated remakes
They added time Jannie's because king Mickey is gonna bat meteor out of the solar system and save everyone for sponsorship!
Ah yeah I really liked the part where they went back in time.
It's like they really wanted to emphasize just how bad sephiroth is but you already kind of know he's trouble and you gotta stop him in the original. It's just later on you realize how crazy he is. The fact they did all that during Midgar is fucking nuts.
>The gameplay itself is pretty good
Go donate to a streamer, zoomzoom.
>noooo stop enjoying things!!!
I bought a copy of the game for all my siblings. Stay mad nostalgia fags
>The gameplay itself is pretty good
It's literally the worst part of this remake. The story changes aren't even that bad considering they're 10x more entertaining than any the actual gameplay portions.
I would guess you only ever played like two games in your entire life
I'm the one enjoying vidya here. I'm convinced you doomer faggots only watch vidya videos and complain about them, not actually play them.
The original doesn't really have an antagonist during Midgar so they had to change it. Otherwise it wouldn't have resembled a plot at all. Now it's just a bad plot.
>The gameplay itself is pretty good
Do you even like video games?
>changing shits that was supposed to happen
>time jannies appeared to correct shits
Yeah I'd call it time fuckery instead of time travel.
Could you be more of a wrong faggot? Next you'll say RDR2's story was bad and the gameplay was good.
>Accuracy Apparitions
Big sad
>One, Sephiroth needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.
>Two, whenever Sephiroth's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Sephiroth"?
>The gameplay itself is pretty good
literally the most joyless and soulless slog I have ever experienced in any vidya, even worse than Death Stranding. Movie game faggots like you are a fucking plague
Notice the complete lack of arguments in these posts.
Feed me more asshurt, tortanicfags