Game has a recurring villain

>game has a recurring villain

Attached: D9C99387-98DD-4C02-84BB-235A2185477D.jpg (731x594, 202.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>seeing ads

I unironically love her voice actress

the fuck is this from?

>copying southpark 20 years after their relevance

Literally Yas Forums

Madison is so hot bros

>villian of every Yakuza game chinese or korean

I don't get it.

Attached: 7pg1dl9vytyz.jpg (1280x738, 37.55K)

they've been shilling this on Yas Forums, or maybe it isn't shilling but a shitty meme being ran into the ground.

>they don't have 4chanX

>the comment section

The style is obviously ripping off south park but other than that idk

You don't want to know.

*nothing but footsteps for 8 seconds*

Why do we give gookmoot a pass when he is way worse than moot ever was?


Who the fuck presses on the ads? Are americans really this retarded?

Do people in current year actually still not know what adblock is?

Attached: Capture.png (156x34, 2.51K)

I want to go back to the past
Where all these shitty ads didn't suck ass
I'd rather click
On some shitty bait
And give a faggot some more (Yous)
I'd rather go
Out on a date
With someone like Brianna Wu

These are the shittiest ads we've had yet
We don't know how bad they will get
All we have now are all our regret
These are the shittiest ads on the net

Attached: pixlr_20191127210822254.jpg (1902x5000, 1.05M)

I miss when we had pic related for ads.

Attached: For instance, penises.png (728x90, 37.55K)

Only people who are 14 or younger and 60 or older.

I genuinely did not realize Yas Forums had ads on it before now.

While we're here, does anyone have the manga original of this image?

Attached: Screenshot_20191130-150952_Chrome.jpg (820x832, 187.84K)

a russian psyop not video games unless tricking smoothbrain useful idiots into amplifying your efforts to sow discord gets carried out in a video game format at the FSB troll farms

What does he see, lads?

Eight legs?
Someone pissing really hard?
Back of the knee, maybe?

it's an ad that appears on Yas Forums boards...

Typically only two people buy ads at a time, so mobile users have to endure seeing the same two ads on every page for months at a time.

Attached: Screenshot_20191210-115330_Chrome.jpg (900x748, 102.62K)

>buying ads for your one youtube video
>buying ads without generating revenue

Almost every other board except Yas Forums and Yas Forums:
>why would anyone advertise on Yas Forums everyone here uses adblock anyway

Yas Forums and Yas Forums:
>okay boys time to show them just how stupid we can be! I want to see the catalog full of screenshots of "hold your poke" ads and "non family" ads. We need memes about that tree that says you cant play a game unless you're 25 or older and we need the catalog FULL of them!
People are blocking the ads with adblock and that is NOT FAIR TO THE ADVERTISERS. We have to make sure we make as many threads about the ads so EVERYONE can see them!

What's that?

Attached: 1369889865217.png (1211x875, 596.13K)


anus destroyer

this guy is making a lot of sense

Based gay purple man

>too lazy to install adblock on phone
>keep seeing this shit
>start phoneposting less

>Buying ads just to get 100,000 views
>$0 spent and almost five million views from word of mouth alone

>yfw your ip is being traced

This. I never bought a dolphin polisher.

>he couldn't hold his poke

Attached: 1579707694086.jpg (895x782, 107.32K)

did someone say videogames?

Attached: videogames.jpg (538x129, 16.6K)

That's the pic but a really shitty edit of it, I want the og edit where her ass is ridiculing her terrible gaming skills while she admits her fat ass is right

That reminds me of the time it had an ad for a yuri webcomic April & May which you can't find any information on anymore

How do you buy an ad on Yas Forums and for how much? I want to make one for a special someone.

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t. under 25

Why do they keep posting pictures of Richard Dawkins and his car

Attached: 8e81f5a6cf400f202a0a73b37366fdd6.jpg (401x271, 19.91K)

Considering only expensive storefronts and scamming chinks/pajeets pay for Yas Forums ads, I doubt it's worth it.

>J-List went on Twitter and denounced them having ever put ads on their website as a 'bad relationship when youre 16'
Fuck those faggots, we built them from the ground up and they abandon us

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But why was she in the sewer?

Attached: 20190325_232253.jpg (310x243, 51.05K)

Nothing is worse than betrayal. Gookmoot has always been profiteering scum and everyone knows it. Rather the devil you know than the one you don't.

The problem with moot is that he stabbed us all in the back for some mediocre sjw pussy. He was a simp by definition.