VII REMAKE copy arrived today

>VII REMAKE copy arrived today
>People shitpost about it
>Play it
>It's a Masterpiece

Remember to not trust Yas Forums

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>listening to pic related
>not assuming the exact opposite of what Yas Forums says is true

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>stop playing it
>go to v and make pointless threads instead

Bravo. Game must be really captivating huh

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>Their 10/10 games are Morrowind and Planescape: Torment

GIANTMONKEYBUTT! How's your day been going? Is the grorious party keeping your wumao-sweatshop virus-free? Not that the virus exists, of course.


>>stop playing it
>>go to v and make pointless threads instead
>Bravo. Game must be really captivating huh

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why s there so many people like this

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Do you not take breaks or something?

>iphone filename
like you're much better lmao

No, it's not.

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(Psst, SHROOMASTER Yas Forums are 'real' gamers. You're reading from the 'For Casuals' script.)

>he didn't finish it
Don't tell him

Yup, so anyway, does anyone know what magnify materia really does? the description implies it gives spells longer range, but I've never missed a spell due to being out of range, am I missing something? there's videos saying its an absolute essential materia to use.

make sure you play all the way through, user~


The bar must be really low

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kek at the butthurt commie that made this picture

>still gaslighting
It's the first time I saw trannies being unable to countershill on reddit to the point they had to leave to anonymous message boards to try and mitigate the damage.

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>sitting at a fucking desk to browse Yas Forums


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Its the All materia from original

Not even the game journalists are this deluded.

i'm thinking based?

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Its basically the all materia from the og ff7, in that it affects more than one target

Put down the phone Timmy mommy is calling you for dindin

Post your favorite game then.

oh fuck, for real? here I was disappointed that All materia seemed to be missing.


is that lauren southern?
I'd rail her and leave her with a baby she's morally against aborting

It's not a masterpiece but the combat wasn't made for multiple difficulties.

Are you trying to imply FF7R is a sequel with that image? Because it's not.

I thought Final Fantasy 13 was a great game when I first started it. It wasn't until later I realized how lame it is.

I REALLY want to marry and impregnate OMGCosplay.

Um, GIANTMONKEYBUTT I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but writing your entire post in ALL CAPS makes it easier to tell that you no Engrish speak.

I've been seeing planescape torment posts for literally 10 years here and have never even tried it. Is it good or a meme game like Fallout 2?

>Be a shill
>Shitpost on Yas Forums
>Say Yas Forums is full of shitposters
Moron. Even saying you're not a shill, if you just began playing today you've only seen the best parts of the game. It gets worse, quickly. Have fun with tacked on sidequest hubs, a tiny selection of mobs, changes to the story, shitty vertical combat, camera problems, among many other things. The game isn't complete trash, but 'masterpiece'? Finish the fucking game before you make absolutely retarded posts like this.

Keep playing, you will change your mind once you actually finished it. Even journo shills pedaled back after the shitshow that is the end of this fucking game.

It's officially a sequel, what do you gain from lying to anons?

So you haven't beaten it yet, but it's a masterpiece?

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>why yes, fags shouldn't get married! How did you know?

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It's not a sequel. What do you gain from being retarded and not understanding what a sequel is?

spoil me, what's this about time jannies and sepheroth teaming up with cloud or something?

>time jannies remove every character's agency
>it's just do whatever time janny says or they make you do it

How do you write this?

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>dem compressed-random-google-image-thumbnail avatars

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>Square telling the truth to their fans

Its like reading a good book, and the setting is neat. Thats about it.

>Implying you're not Yas Forums

what is it, user?

That makes sense. The dialogue screenshots have always looked interesting but no one ever posts about the gameplay

Not the one who claimed it was. But we all know youre some shitposting baiting 3rd worlder anyway.

don't forget reddit Yas Forums's gotd, numale vegas.

Let's just say FF7 isn't safe from Nomura's autism


Just wait until you get to the filler quests and time jannies

Why are all their names written in ALL CAPS? It's almost as if they were being autogenerated using a poorly-written algorithm programmed by someone who speaks a language where there are no capital letters, such as Chinese...
But, of course, surely Metacritic's journalistic integrity would never allow for this... right?

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>How do you write this?
By being a 49 year old man who still thinks he's a 16 year old emo.

>People have different opinions about thing

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>this is not a sequel
>this is just a "different timeline" that completely scraps the event of the original and makes a new canon forever official main route retconning what already happened

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>This potential outcome has been pruned or deleted

Two choices that I can see:
>Incredibly huge ego making you believe changing a beloved story is in the best interest of the fans
>20 years of fans writing their own garbage fanfics have influenced your opinion on how the story should have gone
Nomura probably had a healthy amount of influence despite not being credited as a writer too.
>no one ever posts about the gameplay
It's late 90's/early 00's CRPG RTWP combat. They pretty much all play the same.

it's literally you

Gameplay wise, its like any other infinity engine crpg, except probably the worst one.

Why don't the A.I. companions use their ATB? is it only for auto spells?

Kitase told it, yesterday, after he got your money.

>“The fans have been waiting for 23 years for this game, and I’m happy we’ve been finally able to deliver it to them. It’s a full-fledged game that can be enjoyed by itself, but its story is far from over. With this first game, we showed how there is great potential for the future, and we included many hints regarding what’s coming next. I’m looking forward to seeing the fans’ theories on social media regarding what could happen now. We will keep in touch with everyone so we can all make this project grow together.”

No refunds.


>We look forward to fan theories so we can build the plot of the next game for maximum pandering

The game is great until the time jannies show up.

cope, seethe, cringe, dilate, AND have sex

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These people are disgusting, there's no other word for it. Why can't these people enjoy traditionally attractive female characters without needing a safe space?

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>Thought they fucked up J-E-N-O-V-A in the remake
>Phase 3 hits
Bunch of bitches, teasing it like that, but goddamn.

It's really kind of fucked up to be doxxing all these dudes faces for no reason other than they look funny.

A remake, like it says in the title. If you played the game, you'd realize that. The plot is still the same and the history niggas aren't much of a problem although the point of them seems kinda retarded as there wasn't much of a reason to change when Sephiroth appears outside of setting up for the ending sequence. As far as some characters getting to live, their death wasn't even important in the original.

It doesn't scrap the events of the original though. There's some changes but it's not anywhere near as bad as you retards try to make it. I'm assuming you didn't play the game and base your thoughts on what's posted here.

Are they literally mining usernames from CoD multiplayer?