Lost Planet

Lost Planet. Lost Planet 2 May 11 through May 13th

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Undeep looks lame sometimes

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We out here on auto sage already

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Don't know if the phrase Lost Planet triggers the auto sage or if it's the mention of May 11-May 13th

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Didn't know it was so short. I'd hide myself underground too if I was a fucking MANLET

Really though, it looks more like a leech or a grub than a worm. This chode needs some length

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Superior chode akrid coming through

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/ourguy/ Ungoliant is a Salamander though, not a worm. He's allowed to be pudgy

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God he really is just adorable. I'm a massive bug and reptile fag so I always felt a little bad killing all the akrid just defending their homes. Thread's probably going to die but I'll try and be there for the meet up. I thought GFWL was kill though?

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GFWL is dead for most things, but it clings on for certain games like Lost Planet 2. It still needs to be worked out for online play

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On a side note. I'm excited that Shinsekai is coming to the Switch so that i'll have to opportunity to emulate it

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Look at this dweeb

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i hate that ending battle.

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Just dropping you into Super mecha that you didn't know the controls for wasn't great. It was ballsy though to just make the ending fight Zone of the Enders

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true....got killed 6 time but true

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did they fix the steam port?

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Nope. Feels like our best bet if a surprise remaster announcement for the 10th anniversary of Lost Planet 2

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fuck still can't get LP2 to work.

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The most realistic VS. Closest thing a powered loader

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it's a bug planet, an UGLY planet.

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feels like a Medal of Honor cover

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Kenji Oguro and the art director for Lost Planet 2 haven't had a project listed on IMDB in 4 years. So hope springs eternal in me until they have a new project

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the levels of L1 is nice

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VS jacking concepts though

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I hope they put the monster hunter worlds guys to work on lost planet 4

I want to think they'll reuse some of the art people because of the settings of MHW and Iceborne. Very Lost Planet and Lost Planet 2

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fucking wanted this feels like Mercenaries 2.

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That image of the Akrid struggling underneath the beams makes me feel bad for him.
Look at the little exertion sweat drops around its head

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he started it.

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That's its home we're barging into. It's defending itself.

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Is there a name for boundry enemies? I love them in games but don't know how to find more games qith them.

Boundary enemies?

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