how they managed to fuck up this much?
Guilty Gear Strive
They've repeatedly said they're going to change the UI retard
this is the changed ui you double nigger
>nowhere near release
>i-its done bros GG is dead
Fuck off mason
trannies and women
Nah, this is 100% them going
>What do those western dogs like? Google, right? And all their artists draw like this right? Make everything like that and we'll sell more than DBFZ
Fuck off mason
It's a beta so fuck off
Don't worry it will 110% be fixed on release, just like the cross tag battle character select screen.
>avatars move with the healthbar getting depleted
I would play it but I realized all anime games are kusoges
Hey shitter
Why would anyone do this? What the fuck
I don't get it. What am I supposed to be triggered by here?
Man, that's different from the established status quo for fighting games.
That sure makes me angry...
This would trigger me to an unplayable level. Wtf were they thinking. Probably won't even buy if this stays.
>Yas Forums cares more about MUH GRAFIX than gameplay
t. 18er that hasn't gone beyond bronze
You glance up quick to find important info, this game being risk gauge. Notice how it flies down the screen?
Can NA redeem codes yet? I keep getting errors
but the gameplay is bad. everything arcsys is making lately is bad. the grafix is all they have.
Hey I liked BBTAG's menu
Wait this tiny purple bar is your risk gauge? and it's fixed to the profile pic which moves?
>miku miku dance fighters in 2020
Goobers are fags
Retard shitter
Also the Burst, although at least with Burst it's mostly just you either have it or you don't and it should be pretty obvious in that case.
Still, sometimes you do want to adjust your combo if they're close to getting burst back and good luck keeping track of exactly how full the gauge is when it's 1/4 the size it used to be and fucking moves
They are litterally doing a beta test specifically so they can fix issues like this.
Beta tests are just playing a game early, its playing an unfinished version and giving feedback so the finished version will be better.
Why the fuck is the risc gauge a picometer thick and a centimeter wide. Jesus fucking christ I shouldn't need a microscope to see my risc meter.
Somehow still better than it was during the playtests
The fact that this is their "fixed" version is really worrying. It shows that they don't actually understand the goal of their UI