This is why VR will never take off...

This is why VR will never take off. The human brain is not designed to process visual information different from physical sensation. Normal, healthy people are disoriented and sickened by VR, and the constant tripping, running into walls, and smacking into things that naturally result from your eyes seeing something that isn't really there is fucking dangerous when people instinctively act on what they see.

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lol maybe 4 u cletus

Some retard does something retarded and that means VR will never take off ? Like it or not VR is the future and it's time is now old man.

vidya matrix when?

Why does this board want to see VR fail so much? It's kind of pathetic at this point

it has already failed.

The average person reacts intensely negatively to VR stimuli, faggot. Cope.

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VR sucks

I'll pay $1,000 when they're able to fully implement actual moving VR. Standing there and looking around doesn't do much for me.

why are boomers so fucking stupid

To be fair the climbing in HL:Alyx still fucks me up sometimes and I've been using an Oculus since the first one was released.

Having to stand up during hours to play vidya will never be fun

fucking keked
Where did you find those ?

>some Boomer
>average person
Boomers can barely process cellphones yet you want them to grasp VR a relatively new technology?
lmaoing @ your life

Yes, when people dream, they immdietly jump off of cliffs and into traffic.
Dont be retarded. After 10 minutes of acclimating you are fine. I have not gotten nauseous once since they first round of pavlov I played. After that, your fine. But you might be onto somthing: being a malnourished cave goblin or a fat fuck who's body cant maneuver properly, you'll probably never get over it.

Lol okay, compare that with the fact that 37% of keyboard gamers develop severe nerve damage within 10 years which permanently ruins finger/hand function and VR looks like a pretty solid bet

>The human brain is not designed to
the human brain evolves and adapt

This just goes to show how good VR is. It's convincing enough that people forget they're in a game.

VR is basically only viable for flight/driving sims.

I don't understand what happened there, he got so immersed to the rock climbing that he didn't move his legs at all? Why wouldn't he either try to keep himself steady like he's actually rock climbing or keep himself steady like he's a functioning human being?

>the same people that buy the moviegames will buy the thing that makes them vomit!

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As someone who actually pays attention, the next ten years will be entertaining to say the least.

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Do you live under a fucking rock or am i being trolled?


ok fatty

He probably tried to put his weight on the imaginary rock he was climbing

God I wish the robot would start pounting and laughing.

This has to be directly tied to IQ right? To literally forget that you're not PHYSICALLY in the VR world you're seeing and take off flying into a wall?

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Claiming you're not a retard because most people are retards is the most classic cope there is, bud.

kek what has being fat has to do with not wanting to stand up like a moron to play during hours, especially when legs are useless for vr as it is?

The robot is someone else. You can see them double over in laughter after he falls.

>Yes, when people dream, they immdietly jump off of cliffs and into traffic.
The brain specifically turns off the muscles during sleep so that doesn't happen, it's what can cause sleep paralysis.

fuck bros, full dive VR when? I want to leave this material world behind and have my mind ascend while I leave this fleshly body behind to just rot.

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No, that's totally normal when playing in VR in a smaller area. You remember where you're at when you first begin playing but after awhile you forget exactly where you're standing, which isn't that surprising if the game is doing its job well. Play enough VR and you're bound to eventually trip or do something dumb just because of crossed wires. For example:

Here we see this planetoid forgetting that he's playing a game and doing what most people do when playing ping pong, instinctively leaning on the table to reach over at the net.

Think about jumpscares, it's an instantaneous thing, your brain reacts before you have the chance to consciously process the information

I'm not buying VR until they've got like a little treadmill to track movement or something, from the videos I've seen of Half Life it looks like right now they do some stupid shit for movement that does not flow well at all.

Lol, good shit. Im a filthy cellphone fag atm and couldn't see that.

I live in chinkland, I guess it's pretty much like living in a cave

>legs are useless for VR
We've developed to the point where gamers actually can't think of a reason as to why someone would use their legs aside from kicking things

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There are places you can go with omnidirectional treadmill vr setups. Probably pretty expensive tho.

it's still boring as fuck having to remain upright when playing vidya, you can't argue this.

vrfags cucked again lmao

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