What's the best game to get into TES?

What's the best game to get into TES?
Was thinking of either Daggerfall or Morrowind

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To get into TES, it depends on where you're coming from, Oblivion if you're either unfamiliar with the genre or only really know modern WRPGs, Daggerfall if you're only really familiar with old WRPGs.


Daggerfall if you want to get lost in a cold unforgiving vast fantasy life sim where everything kills you
Morrowind if you want a weird fantasy themepark
Oblivion if you want the next iteration of themepark
Skyrim if you want the latest iteration of themepark


All games except Arena and Daggerfall are good jumping in points. They are all self contained and any relevant information is given to you from npcs and books if you want to know more. They all play fairly well, have interesting worlds to explore, and have a host of mods to improve an element of the gameplay you find lacking. Daggerfall plays completely different from the latter games and it's world is larger and more empty at the same time. If you want to play Daggerfall first go ahead it is a fantastic game but expect half of the events and half the lore to be retconned when you start Morrowind.

I like daggerfall but it's definitely not a good one for your first in the series. it's very different from the modern TES games
Start with morrowind or oblivion. Absolutely play daggerfall at some point though. don't bother with arena though, it's shit

Daggerfall is too hardcore for modern zoomers.

been playing Daggerfall for a while, it's quite fun even with all the jank.

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If you arent turned off my old graphics and old rpg elements that resemble D&D 3.5, then play Morrowind. It is huge and offers a lot of customization. If you need more modernization, go with Oblivion. Oblivion still has a bunch of good rpg elements before skyrim stripped them all out

what mods & patches should i get for morrowind?
I'm getting the GOG release aka GOTY Edition.

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the mod that delays the expac ninjas from fucking your shit up at level one
Not because you don't deserve to get roughed up at level one but because when you manage to kill one his armor will break the fucking economy

just grab some bugfixes and something to delay the assassination attempts on your life. Everything else is suited for future playthroughs.

I think there is a link to it in the /tesg/ on vg, but there is a single all in 1 mod package with an installer. Basic game fixes and some graphic updates to make it more bearable.

Both Daggerfall and Morrowind are the best in the series at what they aim to do. However they are pretty different from each other.
If you want to play the newer games later then Morrowind will help you to get used to Oblivion and Skyrim as all three run on the same engine and play pretty similarly.

I'm impartial here, but I think you should by Skyrim for PC, Switch and VR. You really need to play the game on as many platforms as possible to fully appreciate it. Don't forget the DLC!

-Blodd Moward

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Don't bother. It's probably the most overrated game series of all time. Play a Zelda game instead - it's better in every way

The changes in design philosophy from Daggerfall to Morrowind to Oblivion were huge, much less so for Arena to Daggerfall and Oblivion to Skyrim.
Arena to Daggerfall was probably the only time a sequel improved on literally everything form the previous game, so Arena is kind of pointless now.
I would say something like
>Morrowind + OpenMW + cosmetic mods
>Oblivion + overhaul mods
give the best introduction to each era, with Morrowind being the best introduction to the series as a whole on account of it being the only game to share features with each era.
That being said, the design shift between games wasn't linear.
Morrowind had by far the smallest world and the most detailed world for example, basically forgoing procedural generation to the point of not even having randomized loot in many cases, and not having generic unnamed NPCs at all.

>not wearing a badass cape
come on

>generic unnamed NPCs at all.
NPCs in Daggerfall all have names. The names are also procedurally-generated.

if you like a huge incoherent randomly generated world with broken quest and soulless NPC's who draw from a pool of randomly generated responses and dialog then you will love it!

Daggerfall UNITY

Procedural generation isn't the same as random generation. It's coherent and there's a pattern to it.The procedural generation didn't happen in-game like Arena, so all the places are actually static and remain the same every playthrough.

So here is the thing:

Morrowind is a phenomenal game buried within an absolutely unstable mess on modern PCs without modding it and has one of the slowest/most frustrating starts. If you want to play it, get stuff like the morrowind code patch and if you want some graphics mods like Morrowind Overhaul and Better Bodies. You would have to be patient with it and do some research on how the game works. Once you get some levels and something beyond the basic gear, the world opens up and is one of the richest in the series for lore and unique quests.

Oblivion, personally, I think is a good starting point. It still runs fine on modern systems, is a mix between some of the old RPG elements of Morrowind and newer features like fast travel or having weapons hit when you swing. It also has some of the best guilds in the series. Its main story is also dull and can honestly be avoided and it isn't as interesting or unique like morrowind is.

Skyrim is where a lot of modern people started playing, but it strips too much out of the series and dumbs it down for a widespread audience. It isn't bad mind you, just not as good as morrowind or oblivion with lore and quests. Mods help it quite a bit however.

Skyrim is hardly an RPG, I can't seriously recommend it to anybody unless they want a viking aesthetic hack and slash game. Oblivion is the best one to get into if you are afraid of the slow nature of morrowind

Also, Daggerfall is rough. Absolutely interesting game as far as content goes and has an endless amount of stuff to do, but has not aged well at all and is a glitchy mess at times. Interesting to poke around in as a curiosity, would NOT start with it.

This. daggerfall unity is a huge improvement over the original. runs and looks way better

>Oblivion still runs fine on modern systems
Bullshit. Oblivion is most unstable game in the series. Play Morrowind using OpenMW.

>AGI 55
>SPD 50
Oh gods, how can you stand it?

Daggerfall is the most unstable. Patched morrowind, and vanilla Oblivion and Skyrim run perfectly fine on Windows 10

yeah if you dont run it on Windows XP the game is crash central same thing happens with Fallout 3

Oblivion's guild quests are shit. Only memorable ones are in the DB and Mages Guild but these guilds are also littered with garbage quests.

if you don't start with Arena then you are a fucking pleb

Arena had some cool shit, the aesthetics were much better than Daggerfall's lazy early CG rendered sprites. Enemy humans had dynamic appearance that would reflect their worn gear. You could destroy walls and floors with magic. And I thought the town generation was a lot more convincing. Daggerfall was much deeper though for sure.

Skyrim has the best mod support and is much better than Oblivion with something like Requiem the Autism Simulator installed. Brings it in line with Daggerfall in terms of difficulty and progression.
The Civil War is also a genuinely interesting scenario albeit ruined by Dragonfaggotry and general lack of effort concluding it